"who are you "

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Hoseok was in his room getting ready :"It is 5am in the morning , I'm so excited to leave  to continue my dream .."

He say goodbye to his parents and his dog, and left early heading to the train station..  When he took it,  he sat and start looking through the window to the city he grow up in..

After 2hours , he finally arrived in the amazing city which is Seoul ..
He get taxi straight to the university he needed to sign for some documents,  he was really impressed how big and large it was..

He started waking around checking it out more , like where the classes and the cafeteria etc...

At the noon , he finished and went to agency that he bought his new apartment from to take the keys and sign on documents ,
Then he head to it by the bus, he was checking every minute the map because he didn't know the streets a lot, he have been in Seoul just once as visitor long time ago...

When he make it there ,
he was absolutely shocked  ,
it looks like dream,  the building of his apartment was so high and in the center of the city,  just like where celebrity live..

He said :" that can't be serious, it  cheap to be like this I don't believe that I will  live here...!!! "
He took 15min to search for his apartment until he found it.
He said :" oh... It's 345 here we go! "

He opened the door and entred, impressive with his bright eyes how large it was he put his stuff and closed the door he said :" holly crap !!!! This is so much!!!! "
The door way led to the huge living room in the right and in the left side the kitchen , then he walked to check the rooms,  he opened one :" oh my god!!!!!!!  This is sooo amazing!!! The view is so beautiful I can see everything!! "
The room was so big with bathroom and huge window and balcony that you can see whole side of the city ...

He went out to check the other room, when he opened , it was dark not like the other one because the window was closed ,  so he reached to the light buttons,  when he clicked his expression changed from excited to shocked :" what the fu-?????? Who are you?????  "

Someone was sleeping in the bed   ,he woke up when he heard hoseok voice...

He sat and looked to hoseok :" do you mean who are you?  This is my house  WTF " Taehyung said.

Hoseok :" what the hell ?? this is my house and I have my papers you must be mistaken by another apartment.. "

Taehyung :" mistaken??  So how I was able to enter here,  the keys are different from each apartment idiot."


Taehyung stand up and walked toward Hoseok then he faced him :" listen I don't want to fight let me show you my paper and show me yours and let us understand what is going on. "

Hoseok heart flutterd for no reason...
Hoseok : " ok. " and moved far away.
Both went to the living room and exchange the papers of the apartment ...
Taehyung :" we bought it in the same day!!  They must be mistaken ."
Hoseok :" wait minute!!  How does the speculator look like ? "
Taehyung :" he is old and bold ."
Hoseok :" same man!!!  He must trick us!!!! "
Taehyung checked something on his phone and then asked Hoseok  :" did you pay 600won?? "
Hoseok :" yea- OMG that's mean this apartment is 1.2M won between us!!  The logical price to of big apartment like this.. "

Taehyung :" we should go together to the agency now. "

They got ready and went out. Hoseok said when they were in the elevator :"why do you want us to go to first floor ?"
Taehyung :" to get my car from the garage duh. "
Hoseok talking with hismself :" hmm I see, so he is rich kid!! That's why he act like  Bitch ."

Hoseok rolled his eyes and get on  Taehyung car..
On their way to the agency, taehyung asked him :" how old you?  "
Hoseok :" 20yo  and you ?"
Taehyung :" we are in the same age , you are not from here right? "
Hoseok :" yeah is it because my accent? "
Taehyung :" it is because you are looking through the window like a puppy in his first day out. "

Hoseok gave him dead look:" don't get  on my nerve I swear I'm not a fun to tease or anything :)"

Taehyung didn't respond to him and smirked...
After awhile, they make it to there, they  entred to the director of the agency,
They talk with him about the problem with all details .
He said :" but here in our contract we have that you are accepting to be roommate! "

They both screamed :" ROOMATES????? "
he said :" yeah read it and you even signed. "
Hoseok :" but the  speculator didn't say anything about sharing the apartment!!!  He trick us!!  Bring him. "

The director called him , his assistant respond :" he is not here, I'm the one who replace him. "
The director :" when he will be back. "
The assistant :" after 6 months he took long vacation for treatment in USA. "

Hoseok :" 6????-" he passed out.
Taehyung rushed and hold him...
The director :" I'm so sorry but we can't do nothing about this,  you will be able to stay roommate until this stupid come back and as apologize we will pay you the bills of water and electricity and Wi-Fi for 6 months. "

Taehyung quickly let hoseok fell down and shake the director hand :"yeah sure deal. "

Hoseok :" but- ..." taehyung tuned to him and whisper :" I will kill you if you say one more word. "

They went out and took the car
Hoseok :" who told you I want to be your roommate I feel offended. "

Taehyung :" me neither, but imagine 6months everything will be payed. "
Hoseok :" I guess you are right but let make rules. "

Taehyung :" I have no rule because I don't give shit .. Write down your rules when we will be at home and I will read it Hahaha you are kid. "

Hoseok :"Yeah laugh as much you can :) "

To be continued 💞

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