{Christmas holiday pt1}

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After one month of exams both hoseok and taehyung were super busy but their relation become closer since taehyung  has opened up to hoseok about his family issues.

It was the Christmas season and it was finally  holiday..  Hoseok was so ready to go back to his home town , he missed his family and friends.

He was making dinner and talking on the phone with jimin while taehyung was on his laptop in the living room..

Hoseok :" yeah, the first week I'm gonna go back what about you what is your plan? "

Jimin :" same, I'm gonna check my family but the second week as we planned we will go all to mountain the university trip already booked rooms in hotel for us taehyung will come right? "

Hoseok :" he must to!  Wait!  " he yelled :" Taehyungie you are going we us the second week of the holiday okay. "

Taehyung :" you are not even asking!  You  literally decide it '-' "
Hoseok after he  and jimin  did hangup he turned around to face taehyung
talking in pout :" I'm
Still mad at you...  "

Taehyung :" let's us not start this over please '-' ."

Hoseok invited taehyung to go with him to his home town because he will stay at home and will not celebrate with his dad and sister.
Even he will take his sister for dinner.
But taehyung rejected hoseok invitation..

After they finish eating, hoseok went to pack his stuff and prepare for tomorrow morning :" I will miss him....:(("
Meanwhile Taehyung was in his room drawing like always then he stopped :" ah finally I will get some freedom and space.. He is kinda annoying haha... "
Hoseok fell asleep as soon he finish packing.

At 5am hoseok woke up annoyed by the clock alarm rings...  He was exhausted he could hardly open his eyes.. He sat on his bed for while then went and opened the window then went to take bath.

After couple of minutes he went out and start making the breakfast he was trying his best not make any noise , after he finish eating  he went and  cleaned his room and living room and went to change up , suddenly he heard taehyung door he took peak .
Hoseok :" t-taehyung?  Why did you wake up? "
Taehyung walking out of his room, looking so hot .. He looked at hoseok spoke with deep sleepy voice :" I will drive you to the train station. "

Hoseok heart flutterd.... :" you don't have to.. "
Taehyung :" I will eat breakfast so go and prepare your self quickly. "

Hoseok got shy :" okayyy. "

After  30min ,they finally left home  when they were in the car both quiet, it was cold outside and it start snowing , and the sky  was still dark .. Hoseok felt excited and sad he turn to taehyung :" if you needed anything call or text me! "

Taehyung :" I'm not a baby, I have been living by myself since very long time.  Enjoy your holiday and stop feeling sad about me because that annoy me,  I have plans as well . "

Hoseok :" what plans. "
Taehyung :" I will spend holiday with noona and her child. " he got shy while talking about her.

Hoseok slightly get annoyed and left one of his eyebrows :" so that why you reject my invitation, good! "
Taehyung :" nah!  I mean yeah kinda, m sorry but you know, I think it is my chance to be closer to her as man not as kid ."

Hoseok face up his side from the window and reply coldly :" good luck then. "

After arriving he thanked him and took his stuff and went straight to the train station.

Taehyung :" is he mad?  Yaa hoseok. " he didn't respond him and went straight away. Taehyung :"Ah '-' such kid Well he will understand sooner or later. "

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