[ I have to help them ]

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After one day from that terrible night,

Hoseok's mom and dad where in the hospital with taehyung and everyone , they didn't tell them the truth about the accident.. Instead they told them that hoseok fell on his head because he slipped in the stairs.. They weren't happy to lie but it was kinda the only the solution..indeed  Hoseok's parents were very sad..

After couple of hours Taehyung and the others were all siting in a bar together completely confused and afraid of what will happen in the future..

Taehyung :" when hoseok will wake up we will tell him of course about each moment.. But I don't want him to know that him and I were dating.. "
Jungguk :" what? "
Namjoon :" why is that? "
Jungguk :" so you being playful and you are taking this accident as advantage to break up with him right? "
Jimin :" jungguk?? Stop it we are all mad and sad but you are taking it way too far let's us hear his reason.. "

Taehyung :" I don't want to put him in pressure like imagine him waking up telling him who is he? Who is his family and friends and all the information about him,  then telling him he is gay which he still didn't even accept it and that I'm his boyfriend and we have been dating for 1month and 2 days? Can you imagine how his reaction will be?  If is true love.. Then it will find a way to come back.. I know ..i know jungguk you hate me now and you are so mad but you can't imagine how it is hard for me to decide this by myself... I hope y'all understand feel free to tell him about your friendship but don't you even mention that we dated before.. I will appreciate your support not for me but for hoseok."

Yoongi :" do what you feel it is right. "
Jungguk :" what about his phone? "
Taehyung :" Uh I will tell him when he fell his phone crash ,I will buy him another phone and namjoon will give it to him. "
Jin :" I don't know why I feel y'all complicating the situation more than it is.. But as long as it is for his sake then I'm in. "
Jimin :" if his memory went back we are all fucked up I'm sure he will hate us. "
Taehyung :" I know hoseok... He will understand.. He is the only one who knows how much we care about him. "

Namjoon :" what did his family said about you guys as roommate? "
Taehyung :".they didn't care much I told them we live together and with my little sister and yeah one more thing hoseok's mom  will stay for month or two in our apartment to take care of him after he go out.. "

Yoongi :" okay now let just deal with it.. "
Taehyung :" thank you. "
Jungguk :" supporting your idea has nothing to do with me forgiving you .. We can't be friends again so let leave it in that. "
He stand up payed his drinks and went out the bar..
Jimin :" jungguk can you stop acting like that!  Taehyung I'm sorry I gotta go after him if you need anything call me. "
Taehyung :" thanks jimin. "

After one week, hoseok  finally woke up with painful headache. . . he opened his eyes hardly... It was the night.

He tried to reach the cup of the water but he couldn't, it was  dark
Hoseok tried to speak but he couldn't his throat hurted him .. :"w-w-w... "

Taehyung stay in the night shift always by his side while his parents come back to the hotel to rest. Taehyung walked the room without noticing that hoseok woke up...
When he came closer he saw hoseok staring at him..
Taehyung freaked out :"oh my god.!!!!!!!!!!!"
hoseok looked at him confusingly :" w--wat-"
Taehyung :" WATER???  " here you go, he helped him to drink.

Taehyung hands shaking , his heart was about jump off his chest..
Hoseok :" W-w-where am I? "
Taehyung :" I think I should call the doctor!! "
Hoseok :" w-wait!"
Taehyung :"yeah?? "
Hoseok :" just answer me please.. I can't talk I have a headache.. "
Taehyung :" you are Junghoseok 20years old, you are in the hospital because an accident." "
Hoseok :" b-but who is taehyung? "
Taehyung :" what?????? "
Hoseok :" I thought this is my name since it is the last thing I remember..."
Taehyung tears wouldn't stop falling like waterfall...
Hoseok :" who is he then? "
Taehyung :" me... It's me.. I'm sorry but I need to go to tell the doctor and your parents.. Goodbye. "
Hoseok was so confused ..

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