find another

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In the next morning, Tae woke up at 8am he went out of his room , he found that Hoseok made for him the breakfast and left him a note which says :" put the dishes in the dish washer. "

Hoseok took the bus to the Uni , he arrived early he walked toward his classroom, he sits down on his desk and texted one of his friend :" Good morning, I know this is your first day at college too, I'm nervous and excited... Good luck 💓 ."

Hoseok heard Someone's footsteps coming closer, a young handsome guy entered ...

That guy came closer to Hoseok and bowed :" good morning, we must be a classmate ,well my name is namjoon. " he was really friendly...
Hoseok stand up and bowed and shake his hand back :" I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you. "

Namjoon :" you look similar, I don't know from where....hmm. "
Hoseok smiled :" haha , really? But I just came recently to Seoul. "
Namjoon checked his phone :" ahh!!!! What coincidence aren't you the new dance teacher of my little brother. "
He showed him the group photo they took that day with all the kids.

Hoseok smiled brightly :" oh !!! Yeah! what a great coincidence !"
Namjoon :" my brother is already in love with your dance and techniques.. You must be amazing!!"
Hoseok got shy :"ah no!! no !! I'm not that professional but Thanks I'm really grateful that your brother likes me. "

After couple minutes they were siting and talking till the rest of classmates and the teacher came.

After the section hoseok and namjoon went together to the cafeteria of the university..
Hoseok saw taehyung with two of his friends walking to the cafeteria too.
Hoseok smiled with him but taehyung acted like he doesn't know him and passed him.

Hoseok :" did he just ignore me? "
Namjoon :" ugh, I hate them! "
Hoseok :" taehyung? And his friends? "
Namjoon :" Yeah we studied in the same highschool they are arrogant and not friendly at all ... You only see them surrounding with girls because they are rich and owns cars and apartment. "

Hoseok :" glad I met friendly person like you. "
Namjoon :same haha. "
Then they sits and somehow hoseok faced taehyung.

Taehyung looked at hoseok and smirked at that moment hoseok didn't notice him because he was talking with namjoon .

Hoseok :" Im going to the toilet let us meet in the class okay? "
Namjoon nodded his head :" sure. "

Hoseok went and took his pills :" I need to stop stressing out.. It is just my first day at college and far away from my friends and here I made friend in less minutes... ." he sighed and went out.

He collided with someone , it was one of taehyung friend...
He yelled and grabbed hoseok from his chest :" do you want to die??? Aren't you going to apologize?. "
Hoseok :"I was about ,and you better take your hand of me ."
That guy responded :" or what? "

taehyung was right behind him his face changed and he seemed really serious :"take off your hands ."
That guy got scared and let hoseok directly :" but WHY??? "
taehyung looked at hoseok :" go !"
Hoseok left without saying word.
Namjoon :"you are late ."
Hoseok didn't look well ..
Namjoon :" did anything happened ?"
Hoseok :" no, nothing. "

When they end all sections, namjoon :" are you going now to work? "
Hoseok :" yeah. "
Namjoon :" me too, let us take the bus together. "

While walking together to the station .
Hoseok :" what is your part-time job? "
Namjoon :" I work with my father we own restaurant ."
he took a the map of their restaurant and gave it to hoseok :" here !! feel free to come we cook delicious ramen. "
Hoseok bowed :" I will, thank you. "

Then hoseok arrived at dance studio. He warm up and started his job.
After 2hours , he changed and went to the bus station.
While he was in the bus. His friend texted him back with a group picture of all of his friends and he says :" we missed you squirrel. " that was his nickname between them.
He smiled and played his favorite music and looked out the window..

When he got home, taehyung wasn't there yet.
Hoseok went to his room and took bath after he went to the kitchen and made fruitsalade ,he took it and started eating it while watching TV in the living room.

After awhile he heard the door opening...
Taehyung came back but he wasn't alone ,he walked to the living room with his friends

Hoseok stand up :" I will kill him. "
Taehyung :" hey there, come this is my room. "
One of the guy came to hoseok :" hey sorry about earlier, I didn't know you are taehyung cousin's
Hoseok was confused :" cousin! Oh okay yeah it fine. "
He called taehyung :" come here we need talk. "
Taehyung :" go guys to my room I will follow you.... Yeah what do you want? "

Hoseok :" excuse me Mr taehyung You don't live alone just to let you know, you have to tell me that you are bringing your friends !! If I ever see mess I will kill you I swear. "
Taehyung :" chill.. We will stay in my room and they will leave. "
Hoseok sighed :"ugh. "

Taehyung looked down at Hoseok lips.
Hoseok freezed and felt like he is being trapped by only tae eyes.

Tae touched hoseok lips with his finger :" you have some strawberry in the corner." he clean it with his finger and eat it.
Taehyung :" well, see you ."
And walked to his room.

Hoseok stepped back completely red all over his face...
Hoseok :" what just happened???????????????????? "

Hoseok talking to himself :" okay chill nothing happened I need to stop panicking.. Hehe nothing happened.. It nothing. "

He went to his room ,after hours he heard them leaving .

Taehyung opened hoseok door
:" hey. "

taehyung talking in pout face ... " aren't you going to cook the dinner.. I'm hungry. "
Hoseok :" ok ."
Hoseok talking to himself :" did he just shut me up with only this.... I'm so done. "

He went out to the kitchen and started making the the dinner then he went and knocked tae room door.
Hoseok :" the dinn- "
Tae opened it , shirtless half sleepy, with his messy hair.. .
Hoseok :" a-a (0 o 0) F-food eat?? "

Tae:" oh yeah let met wear my shirt ."
Hoseok went and sat down waiting for him.
Hoseok speaking to him self :" why I'm like that! This is not my first time seeing someone shirtless.. I guess because I don't know him well... Haha that's all. "
Taehyung sat down too and started eating.

Hoseok :" so I'm your cousin? but still ignoring me this morning . "
Tae :" are the type of person who want to be popular? If I hangout with you, you will get annoyed by girls around you all the time which sucks. "
Hoseok :" well , being popular isn't my thing. "
Taehyung :" I'm used to that .. Wait minute you were mad because I ignore you this morning? "

Hoseok get panicked :" hahahaha y-you are funny aren't you... Of course no WTF haha....... "

Taehyung smirked :" that's cute. "
Hoseok :" WTF is cute? "
Taehyung :" nothing but the omlete looks cute.. "
Hoseok :" oh! Yeah I love drawing faces with ketchup hehe. "
Taehyung gazed at hoseok :" you act like a girl, no offense , but better than annoying girl or maybe you are annoying sometimes. "

Hoseok got really mad at that time :" do you mean every man who cook and decorate the food is a girl? "

Taehyung :" no !! No - oh shit-"
Hoseok stand up :" find a girl from tomorrow who can cook for you then, well you are always surrounded by them, you will find one easily. "
Taehyung :" hoseok liste-"
Hoseok walked to his room and slammed the door.
Taehyung :" I suck.. "

Check new character (namjoon) in the first page 🌸

Hope you enjoyed it this part.

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