because of her?

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After few days.
It was the weekend, hoseok decide to go out with namjoon and his friends.
He get ready and took his stuff and walked out of his room , he looked at taehyung he was chilling on his laptop in the living room.

Taehyung noticed him and checked him with his eyes from up to down :" are you going on date ?"
Hoseok :" what?  No !"
Taehyung :" you look good. "
Hoseok :" I always look  good :3 , anyway do you want to come? "
Taehyung :" where and with who? "
Hoseok :" with Monie and his friends. "
Taehyung :" pass,  I'm okay. "
Hoseok :" okay as you like , see ya. "
Taehyung followed Him with his eyes... . :" wait hoseok! Hmm.. I'm coming , I will go get ready. "
Hoseok :" haha,  you find out you will just waste your time on your laptop . "

Minutes later.
Both left the apartment while they were in taehyung car.
Taehyung :" is this your first time meeting his friends? "
Hoseok :" yeah,  they are from another university. "
Taehyung :" where you decide to meet them ? "
Hoseok :" on the nearest karaoke to my work place. "
Taheyuhg :" okay. "

After 15 minutes they finally arrived.
Namjoon came to hoseok :" you are late. "
Hoseok :"not my bad. " he looked at taehyung behind him.
Namjoon :"oh look who is here Mr. Taehyung. "
Taehyung :"Yo. "
Namjoon let go in, my friends are inside.
They walked in one of the room. There were 4 really good looking guys sitting ,waiting for them.
Namjoon : " so this is ( hoseok ) and his friend (taehyung)
Hoseok :" Hey guys ≧∇≦, glad that I finally met Monie close friends ."
One said :" call me jimin  nice to know you too. "
The one who was sitting next to him: " I'm Jungkook and  gave them (~_^)wink ."
The third :" hey it jin and gave him blow air kiss ." hoseok giggled!!!!
Namjoon :" don't mind them they so extra. "
And last one was very quiet :"I'm yoongi. "

Namjoon :" so now we are all here let's order food. "
Jimin :" yeah yeah!! "
Hoseok sat next to jimin and taehyung faced him sitting next to yoongi.

While they were waiting for the food,  jimin turned to hoseok :" namjoon tell us about you a lot in our chatroom , we were so excited to meet you and he said you are really good dancer. "
Hoseok got really shy :" oh thank you!! He told me about you too , that you were friends since elementary school. "

Jin :"WAIT let me show you his picture HAHAHA. "
namjoon :" I will kill you. Don't start this. "
Jin handed his phone:" Loook!!. " giggling .

 " giggling

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Hoseok looked at photo and tried his best to not to laugh :" we all looked funny when when we- I CANT HAHHHAAHHA IM SORRY MONIE ."  jimin and Jungkook and jin were laughing along so hard.
namjoon :" great , jin can you deleted it for sake of god . "
Jin :" never. " and hide his phone quickly.
Namjoon :" okay who wants to sing ? While we wait for the food. "
Jungkook confidently :" give it to me, play the usual ."
Hoseok was really impressed of his voice and he really admired it.
The food arrived finally. They started eating and signing and telling each other jokes and stories about them they were really getting along. Except taehyung he was the quietest.

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