[ Taehyung ]

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At the same day, joonie went with Hoseok to his apartment..
Hoseok :" what do you want to do?  We can play games.. "
Joonie :" yeah,  sure. "

While hoseok was making something for both of them to eat because his mom was taking nap.. Joonie took the chance and went to talk with Tae's Sis .

Joonie :" hey ,how are you doing? "
Tae'sis :" I'm okay .. No I guess I'm not.. "
Joonie *she must have something * :" what wrong ? you can tell me.. "
Tae'sis :"out of the sudden my brother want us to move to France.. I don't want to..  I like living with hoseok and Mr.jung she treats me like her daughter and also I love my friends.. However he didn't even tell me why.. "
Joonie :" that's why I want to know too, hurry up and give me your father's home address
Tae'sis :" here you go.. But be careful !!"
Joonie :" thank you but let leave this conversation secret okay? "
Tae'sis :" promise ^~^ ."

Hoseok came :" what are you both whispering about?"
Joonie :" nothing serious,  yoona has crush on my little brother haha. "
Tae'sis :" ugh,  yeah I do ( '-' ) well I have to do my homeworks see ya. "

Joonie:" did taehyung told you that's he will move to Paris ?"
Hoseok :" yeah isn't amazing??  I always wanted to visit it. "
Joonie :" ...
Hoseok :" what's wrong? "
Joonie :" let play next time I remembered I have something to do see ya. "
Hoseok :" w-wait..  Okay see ya.. "

In the evening,  hoseok was on his desk trying to have inspiration for his homework.. :" something I admire...  I wonder what was it in the past... "

Taehyubg came home and they all have dinner together..
Hoseok and taehyung didn't talk much so both of them just slept together but taehyung did put in between them pillow
Hoseok :" what is it for? "
Taehyung :'' you move a lot in your  sleep. "
Hoseok :" haha okay sorry!! "

Hoseok couldn't sleep so he went to the balcony :" I can't sleep what I  can do is only thinking and thinking about everything.. I brought this today.. I don't even know how to use it... But it said it help? "

He take one cigarette and light it until he heard the window of the balcony opening
He turn back and saw taehyung and of course he was unhappy and really mad.

Taehyung :" what the fuck is this? "
Hoseok :" a-am..  I don't know... I-i just wanted to... "
Taehyung :" give it to me.. NOW HOSEOK!! "
hoseok handed it to taehyung..

Taehyung :" go in let's talk.. "
Hoseok followed him :" I'm just thinking  a lot everything around me is creeping me... I don't know anything.. I just want to remember my past life. "
Taehyung :" I think  you are overthinking.. You are human stop pushing your mental health to the line.. Just do what you want but don't hurt yourself or your body.. Because I won't forgive myself if anything bad happen to you.... "

Hoseok :"why do you care that much? "
Taehyung :" because you are important.. "
Hoseok heart flutterd, so he asked :" can you be honest with me? "

Taehyung :" yeah? "
Hoseok :" is it true that I'm gay? "
Taehyung :" who told you that.. "
Hoseok :" joonie after I did insist.. "
Taehyung :" and how do you feel about it ?"
Hoseok :" it's not true I feel it deep down in my heart.. I can't even imagine myself kissing a guy UGGGH GROSS I mean I don't mind it to others like jungguk and jimin but for me personally I don't like it..  Don't you think so? "

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