[wish was just a dream]

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Hoseok was in the kitchen making the breakfast in the early morning :"A month has already passed since Taehyung and I started dating and I'm really happy with our relation , we have been to many dates he treats me very well he shows me that he is in love that side of him I never knew is what drives me crazy *blush* ."

Taehyung walked out from hoseok room :" good morning babe *sleepy* ."

Hoseok :"good morning, are you hungry? "
Taehyung :" I will go take bath, wait me... Um and last night was insane give me kiss to refresh my memory... " he held hoseok chin with one hand and kissed him smoothly... "

Hoseok left to continue cooking at same time jimin called him :" good morning how is our lovely dovely couple? Oh yeah wanna go with us after your job to grab some drinks ?"
Hoseok murmured :" of course..anyway just want to tell you... "
Jimin :" did you finally guys did it? "
Hoseok :" how did you know?????? "
Jimin :" so how was he? Good at bed or meh? "
Hoseok :" I didn't know shit!!!! I felt like dumb ass... He leaded everything... He was so HOT IT WAS DAMN. "

Hoseok :" OMG chill out!!! I wasn't ready and he completely understood it.. "

Jimin :" you will do it often so better show your skills too. "
Hoseok :" I will!!!! Anyway.. he is coming gotta go. "

Taehyung walked to the kitchen and start having breakfast with hoseok

Hoseok :" Jimin Called me to invite us to go to club. "
Taehyung :" yeah ,sure."

Hoseok :" did.. Did you enjoy last night? "
Taehyung stares at him while lifting one eyebrow :" hmm...is that even question? "
Hoseok :" because I felt I did so bad... And I'm kinda concerned about it. "

After taehyung finished he went and stand up as he hugged hoseok so tight :" stop over thinking for once please... I really love the fact that you are pure and new to these stuff and it making me want you more... So just go with flow you were so good *he bited his lips while talking* ... Are your legs still shaking? ".

Hoseok * blushed* :" okay okay we are kinda late let's go.. "
Taehyung* smirked *:" alright alright let's go. "They went together to the Uni.

In the afternoon hoseok was sitting together with joonie talking about if he need to tell his best friends from his home town about his sexuality, relationship.. "

Joonie :" I mean if you feel deep down that you have to tell them then go for it but if you have doubt think about it more... Does taehyung knows? "

Hoseok :" I didn't tell him yet, he might get mad because he even told noona and his coworkers. . and he said if he had good relation with his father he would have told him..and even he has no fear to show it in public which I'm not comfortable with it yet.. "

Joonie :" I don't think he will be mad about it , Well speaking about the diva.. he is on his way to you. "

Taehyung:" hey babe ! Hey joonie! " he confidently lean on hoseok shoulder and gave him that look which hoseok can't resist..

Hoseok classmates passed by them giggling they murmured :" gays !!! "
Joonie stand up :" come here and say it clearly. "
Joonie was already so done with them..

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