{Christmas pt.2}

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Two days had passed already , as well the  day of the trip came finally .

Hoseok was in the Uni in the early morning, he met the boys ,they head to the bus,  jin couldn't come because his exams but the rest of them were there, taehyung was there too.  . . But he prefers to sit with that girl which she is their classmate , hoseok noticed it  ..

He was sitting with jungguk , he said :" I don't care with who he is or what is he doing ,I was just imagining that he might like me or something... " jungguk stares at him
:" just enjoy the trip we are here for you, I mean I think he has feelings for you but I will confirm it so just do what I say..  And he is not the only guy I can introduce you to bunch of cute gays I know. " hoseok giggled and nodded (≧ ♡ ≦)

The trip was about 4 hours , when they finally  arrived,  jimin :" oh finally I'm so tried and hungry let's put our stuff in our rooms and go to eat ."

They shared one large room, jungguk turn to taehyung :" are you going to have dinner with us ?"
Taehyung :" is it okay if I bring someone? "
Jungguk :" that girl? "
Taehyung :" yea. "
Jungguk :" for sure, you should introduce us to your new girlfriend. "
Taehyung smirked and walk out the room to wait them.

Hoseok went to jungguk :" you could have said no!!! "
Jungguk :" oh my gosh!!  Can you put your jealousy aside because I have an idea. "
Hoseok talking in pout :" okay then it must work (●´з') ."

After couple of minutes they were all in the restaurant, as they start eating and having conversations with the new girl.
Jimin asked her :" so what do you like about taehyung ? "
The girl :" e-everything..... *shy* "
Jimin and others start laughing and making her embarrassed, except hoseok he didn't say a word he wasn't having it and kept looking at her with really unwelcomed look.

Jungguk :" so you guys are officially together, what about noona? "
The girl looked at taehyung confused.
Taehyung :" I didn't say we are going out.. "
He looked at hoseok :" but I'm interested in her, about noona I finally got over her. "

The girl was so happy to hear that.. And they all went speechless, after another minutes jungguk put his arm around hoseok and start patting his head :" are you tired?"
Hoseok :" yeah and annoyed..  "
Jungguk :" wanna bath together and sleep-"
Taehyung choke on his drink and looked at them.
The girl :" are you okay???  " *worried*
Taehyung :" yeah...  I'm okay. "

Hoseok didn't felt good after what he heard and he wanted to go back the hotel,
Yoongi :" let's go now guys I'm tried. "
When they were heading to the hotel..

Jungguk hit hoseok leg end he fell down :" WTF are you crazy?????  "
Jungguk whisper ten shoot out :" Stfu!!  Oh hoseok what happened??? "
Taehyung was walking in front of them he turned back and went to hoseok :" are you okay?? Let me help you. "

Jungguk :" I will carry him, don't worry go walk the girl to her hotel room it is night. "
Taehyung looked worried at hoseok :" okay... then take care of him I will bring aid box from the pharmacy ."

Jungguk lift up hoseok on his back :" okay thank you. "

When they were in their room, hoseok :"so the idea was hitting me :) nice!!! "
Jungguk :" did you see how he react ? So shut up and let me confirm. "
Hoseok :" can't you try something else that I will not get injured ? :)"
Jungguk :" now the next move is to go to the hot bath together. "

Taehyung walked in ten room after while looking for hoseok
Namjoon :" jimin and jungguk took him the hot bath tub they said it is good for muscles. "

Taehyung went there to find him all alone half naked, hoseok looked at him and his start blushing ...

Taehyung :" where are they ? "
Hoseok :" they went to help old man he couldn't get to the tub by himself. *what kind of lie is this? *
Taehyung walked toward him and sat in the corner of the tub and looked at him

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