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Hoseok woke up at 7 am , he stand up and went to the balcony.
Hoseok :" why I was super mad yesterday... Like it wasn't big deal but still...kinda hurts. "

He got ready and walked out off his room. He found taehyung drinking coffee  sitting on the sofa of the living room.
Hoseok :" good morning. "
Taehyung looked at him confused.. :"morning. "
Hoseok went to the kitchen and started making the breakfast.

Taehyung was walking out to the door way,
Hoseok followed him :" you don't want to eat breakfast? "
Taehyung :" I already did,  thank you. "
Hoseok :" okay. "
Taehyung went out ,  hoseok sat and start eating the breakfast :" he must be confused anyway we are adults and we share the same apartment we can't stay mad at each other. "after he finished , hd did the dishes and took his backpack and stuff and went out.

When hoseok made it down,  it start raining and the bus was taking too long,  then a car pulled out in front of him, one of taehyung friends, :" hey wanna give you ride?  "
Hoseok :" really? No, I don't want to bother you. "
Him :" cmon, get in. "
Hoseok went and get in his car .
Hoseok :" I'm really thankful. I was about to be late. "
Tae's friend:" it is totally fine,  but why didn't  you go with taehyung?  "
Hoseok :" he went early. "
Tae's friend :" maybe he went to check his gf. "
Hoseok face changed :" his what? g-girlfriend ?"
Tae friend :" yeah,  you don't know?  Ah I guess you aren't that close cousins but he does have beautiful gf ,  I'm jelly. "
Hoseok :"  does she study in our  university? "
Tae friend :" haha hell no taehyung never dated young girls, he is only interested in women older than him "
Hoseok was still shocked :" do you know how old is she? "
Tae's friend :" she is 30 years old. "
Hoseok screamed :" 30 YEAAARS OLD?  REALLY??? "
tae friend :" don't be loud haha,  yeah plus she is his boss , he doesn't need money he only work on her cafeteria to be close to her. "

Hoseok :" oh ,can't relate. "
Tae friend :" what?  "
Hoseok :" no nothing,  taehyung isn't talkative person, so that's why I don't know anything about his personal life. "
Tae friend :" most of the things about him I discovered by myself he doesn't like to talk about himself . "

After awhile they arrived there,  hoseok get out of the car,  taehyung was in the park too,,  he was confused.
Tae friend :" oh hey taetae. "
Taehyung :" what are you doing together? "
Hoseok :" your friend is so kind he-"
Taehyung took hoseok hand and walk far away  from the park .
Hoseok :" m-my hand you are hurting me.  Stop! "
Taehyung let out his hand :" stay away from my friends!! Last warning. "
Hoseok :" he was being nice,  and it was raining, and what matter with you  ? Did you really believe we are cousins?  You have no right to tell me what to do ."
Taehyung :" I don't want to be the reason if anything happened to you..he isn't that nice as you think Stay away !!"
Hoseok stepped back :" we are in the same age I'm not kid, I do what I want okay , and Im grateful for what he did . Don't you dare do this again. " hoseok left him and went to his class.

At the noon,  hoseok was with namjoon in the cafeteria chilling...

Tae friend came closer:" hoseok , I need you in something please. "
Namjoon :" what the hell  wrong with you ?"
Hoseok :" chill Monie he is not an enemy I will be right back. "
Namjoon didn't feel okay with him just going with that guy like that.

He leaded him to the roof,  the other friend was there too,  hoseok :" so what do you want? "
One of them came closer and touched hoseok chin :" do you smoke? "
Hoseok stepped back :" no. I guess I should go. "
One of them grabbed his both hands on his back so tight.
And one punshed him so hard on his face :" so are you trying to fools
us with your kindness u asshole?? Taehyung is for us,  you can't play with us,  we will make sure to end you. "

Hoseok :" what kind of toxic friends are you? "
Namjoon was looking for hoseok he bumped on taehyung .
Taehyung saw his worried face :" where is hoseok? "
Namjoon :" your friends took him-"
He ran really fast to the roof and namjoon followed him.

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