why taehyung? 💦

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Two weeks passed. Hoseok  was chilling, watching TV in the living room.

Him and taehyung didn't speak nor make up... And they kinda get used to be far away from each other.

Taehyung came home that night late it was 2am in the morning , he opened the door and he was drunk he went straight to his room...
Hoseok noticed that and wanted to check on him because he never came back home drunk before.. But he didn't instead he just went to sleep...

In the next morning , hoseok was with namjoon and pretty girl walked toward them with shyly steps..
She said :" hi! " with smile on her face  .
Both they respond :" hiii wsp? "
She said :" well I'm having a party tonight at my house you can invite your friends here the address. "
Hoseok :" oh thank you!!  We will make sure to come!! " after the girl left , namjoon turned right to hoseok  :" OMG we will have so much fun I will tell the boys!!!! "
Hoseok :" okay let meet at 8pm. "

After hoseok finished his part time job, he went home and took bath and dressed well ..
He closed the door behind him he said :" he has been coming home late for the past few days.. AAAAAAA Like do I care? "

He met the boys down the building he get up in the car and they went directly to that party .. When they arrived there it was already lit , there were a lot of strangers girls and boys,
Hoseok turn around to his friends :" let us not separate- "

They already did, he only found jin behind him.
Hoseok :" where are they? '-'  "
Jin :" jimin and Jungkook went to check the pool and namjoon went to restroom.. You weren't paying attention when they say so.. "

Hoseok talking in his head :"The house big and full of people that I don't know , should I make friends? "
Hoseok :" let talk to that group out there-"
Jin was already talking to them and he seemed that he already knows them.

Hoseok :" .....of course and here I'm lonely in this party... "
Hoseok went to the kitchen and start eating whatever he sees in the table..

A guy came closer to him he was pretty tall and he was so handsome and tanned he wasn't fully Korean maybe half :" hi, you are alone too? "
Hoseok :" kinda but my friends are somewhere here ."
He replied :" ah same !! Well I'm Lucas who are you? "
Hoseok : " I'm hoseok,  nice to know you. "
They started small conversation and it looked like they already getting along.
They decide then to come out to the pool , both took drinks and went outside.
It was full of people  playing games and the music was so loud .

He took him from his hand it was so big compared to hoseok tiny hands and leads him to few people and introduce him.
Hoseok felt kinda shy he never been  in this situation before a girl from that group was super drunk and said :" Lucas is that your boyfriend he is handsome? "

Hoseok panicked and blushed. He turn to Lucas , he saw him giggling at his reaction .
Hoseok looked away and was in shock  ... Because....
Taehyung walked to the pool he was looking really charming with that black jacket and skinny jeans and black hat.. The girl who invited them was walking beside him.
Hoseok followed them with his eyes till Lucas popped in his face :" I have been calling you what are you looking at? "

Hoseok stepped back :" a-ah  sorry !!! ."
They continue talking ,but hoseok just  kept his eyes on taehyung he saw him talking with namjoon.

The girl grabbed taehyung arm and insist to take him inside again, he looked annoyed and told her to bring him something.

Hoseok :" what did he whispered? "
Lucas was annoyed ALOT :  "hoseok? "
Hoseok :" YESS! "
Lucas : " what are you busy looking at? "
Hoseok :" nothing... "
Lucas :" I will bring you drink wait. "
Hoseok :" okay..."

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