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Greetings, readers! Before I start this book, I wanna thank you for reading Beyond Darkness. I'm really grateful. 😊💕

Anyways, I'm using this space to give you some tips. In this book, I'm gonna use more elements that probably I didn't use much in Beyond Darkness. So, as I did with my other book, hope you enjoy this book. I'll do my best.

Btw, there's a story I read in the Episode app that actually inspire me a lot. So, for those who have read "The Gamer and The Falcone", you'll quickly notice. Thank you Janine! The credit belongs to her!

As for the readers, I'll give you the opportunity to share ideas. That will be great! Feel free to do so. 😎

And finally for the story tips:

💜 Italics: when there's flashback, thoughts and probably a character singing.

💜 Bold: when a character is yelling and something that represents a tough sound.

✨(Y/N)- your name
✨(L/N)- last name
✨(E/C)- eye color
✨(H/C)- hair color

(Those are the most I'll use. For now...😅)

Ok, I think that's all.



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😶 *coqui sound*

Oh, yeah. This is not Battleship.

For: Author
From: Ichimatsu

For: Author From: Ichimatsu

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Bastard 😒

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now