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James POV

I shut the trunk of my car and walked up the steps of the front door to say one last goodbye to my family. My mom was already crying, her head rested on my dad's shoulder as he rubbed her back. My mom didn't ever want this day to come. She already had one son gone, and now it was my turn to leave. She brought me in for a tight hug and I hugged her back, knowing that this will be our last hug for some time. I rubbed my mom's back as she let out a few sobs.

"Mom you're going to see me soon, you can visit my apartment any time," I told her.

"Soon is too far away! I'm going to miss my baby."

I would tell my mom to stop being dramatic but it'll only anger her. After a few minutes I let go of my mother and watched her wipe her tears. My mom narrowed her eyes and pointed her index finger at me.

"You better not impregnate a girl mister, that is not how I raised you."

I rolled my eyes,"Mom, I won't do that."


She nodded her head. My eyes moved to my little sister Brooklyn holding a doll in her hand. I walked towards her and kneeled in front of her. A frown appeared on her face and I couldn't help but also frown. She threw her arms around me and I hugged her small frame.

My sister and I had a closer bond than anyone else in the family. With my parents always being busy and my brother at boarding school, it was just me and Brooklyn. I've always took care of Brooklyn and played tea party or dollhouse with her. Without me being there anymore she's going to feel alone. I wish I could bring her with me because I really would. But, let's face it, a 10 year old child attending an prestigious art school didn't sound right at all.

"I don't want you to leave," she mumbled.

"Me either but I have to go to Juilliard Brooke."

She crossed her arms and pouted,"No you don't."

I chuckled,"I do. I will always come and visit you, I'm not going away forever." I paused and looked down at her favourite doll, Kelly. "Kelly will be my replacement and you have your tablet with my number, you can always FaceTime me."

"I'm going to miss you Jamey."

"Me too Brooke."

Brooklyn hugged me again. I got up and dusted off my jeans. My father's eyes were on me as I stood up straight. He nodded his head at me while I nodded mine. My dad and I had a different relationship compared to my mom and I. I was a lot more closer with my mom than I was with my dad.

I guess you're wondering where my brother is, he's already at Juilliard. See my brother and I are fraternal twins. We had little features that made us look the same but overall we looked different. My brother and I were close when we were young but as we got older we drifted apart. My father convinced my brother to attend boarding school. He thought that my brother going to boarding school would look good when he became the boss of his company.

My dad wanted my brother to take over his business company but my brother became interested in singing. Since my dad had me to fall back on he let it go and allowed him to chase his dream. I was interested in taking over my dad's company until I had to take dance in order to graduate high school. Dance became the only thing I could focus on. During the day I would attend school, after I would work at my dad's company, and at night I would dance.

I couldn't keep up the double life of becoming the boss of my dad's company, and wanting to become a professional dancer. I secretly applied to Juilliard to see if I would make it in and surprisingly I did. It all got ruined once my dad found out. I remembered that day as if it was yesterday. He was furious at me and told me that I couldn't dance ever again. He gave me a whole lecture on how dance wasn't a career, it was a hobby. I argued back and forth with him in his office until Brooklyn and my mom walked in.

After a few months, my dad allowed me to go to Juilliard. He seemed okay with me going but I know deep down he was still upset. I know he wanted me to take over his business company but it's not what I want to do. I just hoped he doesn't get Brooklyn to take over the company because Brooklyn loves to sing just like my brother.

I got into my car and started up the engine. My family waved goodbye and I waved goodbye back. I drove out of the driveway and headed to Juilliard. Luckily I didn't live too far away since Connecticut is only a two hour drive from Juilliard.

I was beyond excited to go to Juilliard. It was the school of my dreams. I've always dreamed of going there since high school and I was still in shock that I got accepted. Juilliard was
a prestigious school and is one of the top schools to go to for dance. Juilliard was a chance to be on broadway or to become a professional dancer, which is what I wanted. I also wanted to prove to my dad that dance wasn't just a hobby, it was my passion. A hobby was something that you liked to do every time and is temporary. Passion is something you work hard to achieve and dance was my passion.

After two hours of drumming my fingers on the steering wheel to my favourite songs, I finally arrived at Juilliard. I parked my car in the parking lot. I stepped out my car to see many people with suitcases saying goodbye to families, or walking with their friends. I walked into Juilliard and went to the information office to see a lady at the front desk.

"Can I help you?" She questioned.

"Can you tell me where the dance room is?"

"You go down the hallway, take a left, turn right, go up a flight of stairs and it's on the left," she instructed.

"Thank you," I smiled.

I followed the lady's directions that led to the dance room. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I looked to the left to see two grey doors, which I'm guessing was the dance room. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. I looked around the room to see that it's empty. I walked to the middle of the room and looked around in awe. It looked exactly like the pictures on the website that I searched up once I got accepted. I still couldn't believe that this was where I'd be spending the next 4 years dancing in this room with other talented dancers.

Yet who knew that this time around tomorrow that I'd meet her.

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