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Alice's POV

Charley and I walked straight to Angel's. Apperantly, Adam was about to just pop the question there but it was at that moment he realised he lost the ring. Adam swore he took it with him, so it was now our job to find it, before Eric arrived.

"Aw, looks romantic as fuck." I smiled as I looked around the bar area.

There were love hearts strung across the wall and candles were lit across the bar top. Rose petals were in a love heart shape on the floor. I didn't know Adam had it in him.

"I know what you're thinking."

I turned around to see one of our popular bartenders walking in with a huge box of bar snacks. She placed the box on the floor next to the bar and rubbed her hands together.

"Go on, what am I thinking Diana?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You're thinking, how did Adam do this? I can't believe he had it in him. He's not the romantic type." She laughed and pushed her glasses up. "He didn't do all this. I did."

"That's actually more like Adam, making someone else do it."

"Uh huh. Anyway, he's in the back office, about to lose his mind because he can't find that stupid ring."

"It's not stupid." Adam said as he stormed out of the office. "I love Eric. He's the first person that made me feel like it was okay to be into guys. I've never actually loved anyone...Only him and I..I just wanna spend the rest of my life with him."

I walked over to Adam and wrapped my arms around him, he hesitated slightly but he hugged me back.

Adam had a hard time with physical contact. Even with Eric, his father used to hit him and flinching or just freezing when someone touched him was second nature, he was scared...But he was slowly getting used to it.

"And who said romance was dead?" Diana sighed.

"You did!" I pointed at her as I moved away from Adam. "Last week you bitched about romance because the girl you were talking to had a girlfriend."

"She didn't have a girlfriend...She was trying to make her ex jealous by being really romantic with me. Coming in every night, making me feel special. I was used. God, I would punish that little bitch..."

"Hey. No getting kinky in my bar please." Eric said as he walked through the door.

"Eric!" Adam said shocked.

"What's going on in here? Di, this better not be one of your kinky sessions." Eric said as he walked further into the room.

Diana stared at Eric in disbelief. "Bitch, does it look like this is the type of shit I'm into?!"

"I don't know with you. Anyways, I'm glad you guys are here...Adam, can we talk?"

"Sure." He placed his hands in his back pockets as Eric walked towards him.

"Back in school, I thought you hated me. You were such a dick to me...But soon I understood why and that moment when we first kissed in detention I was like, fuck. I think I like this guy...And I'm so glad I did. I fell in love with the hottest bad boy in school and that sexy man fell for me too. You bring out the best in me and I hope I do the same for you too."

"Yeah, you. You have changed me in ways that I never would imagine were possible." Adam smiled.

"Good. I love you Adam Groff...But actions speak louder than words." Eric slowly sank to his knees and pulled out a small black box. "Will you make me the happiest gay man in all of England, will you marry me?" He opened the lid, exposing a beautiful silver ring.

"Ho...How...Where did you find this ring?" Adam asked as he stared at the ring in confusion.

"Don't hide things in places I'll find them." Eric winked.

"Wait, that's the ring you were looking for?" I asked, earning a nod from Adam. "I left a really cute girl, to come find a ring that really didn't need finding? God, your answer better be worth it." I joked.

"Yes. I'll marry you Eric." Adam grinned. "Only if you'll wear the ring though, it was meant to be yours."

"Oh babe, you know only I could rock this beauty." Eric laughed as he stood up and handed Adam the ring. Adam then placed it on Eric's finger before the two locked lips in a sweet and tender kiss.

I watched on with a smile on my face, those two deserved all the happiness in the world...So did I...And that's why, I was going to move on from Maeve. I honestly did feel a connection with Emma..So hopefully she would come back tonight and I would ask her out on a date.

It's time to move on.

A/N: Happy birthday Rjenkinss14!! Hope you have a good day! I shall do another update for your birthday!!

Marrying The Mean Girl - Sequel To FFTMG (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now