Twenty Six

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Nobody's POV

The Next Day

Maeve finished drying her hair with a towel and when she looked up to the mirror, she had a huge grin on her face as she stared at her reflection.

She felt like herself again, for so long she had felt like a small part of herself was missing but with her hair and her nose ring back, she felt like she was one hundred percent herself again.

She turned around as she heard whistling behind her.

"Wow, did we go back in time?" Alice asked as she leaned against the door frame.

"If that was possible, I would've gone back a long time ago and stopped myself from leaving."

Alice pushed herself off of the door frame and walked towards her fiancé. She wrapped her arms around her waist as Maeve wrapped her arms around Alice's neck.

"If you didn't leave, you never would've had Allison. I couldn't imagine my life without you...And now I can't imagine my life without Allison. I can't imagine my life without the both of you. You two, are my entire life. You're my world and I love you both so much."

Maeve gently kissed Alice's lips and smiled. "You guys are my world too..And I was wondering...I..I've talked to Steve and..He's okay with it and thinks its for the best so..I was wondering...Once we're married..Would you like to..." Maeve felt herself become nervous.

"Like to what?" Alice asked, gently encouraging Maeve to continue. "Come on, what is it love?"

"Will you adopt me?"

Alice turned around as Allison's small voice could be heard from just outside the door.

"You're already my Mummy but I want you to really be my Mummy."

Alice's eyes filled with tears as she slowly sank to her knees. Her arms opened and Allison slowly walked into Alice's arms. Alice gently hugged Allison as she began to cry more.

"I would love to." She managed to reply.

Maeve slowly knelt down and wrapped her arms around her two girls as her heart filled with so much love and happiness...They were finally going to be a true family.

- - -

One Year Later

"Maeve, you have brought so much love and happiness into my life. You have brought up such a beautiful, kind, funny daughter who I will soon,officially and legally be able to call mine too. Eleven years ago I never thought we would end up here. I never thought I would fall for the mean girl and now, I'm marrying her, the thing is, you never really were mean, you were misunderstood, cliché, cheesy much. I know. But it's true. You are such a kind, beautiful woman and I'm so in love with you and I fall deeper and deeper every single moment we spend together."

Alice was welcomed by a slow passionate kiss, much to the disgust of Allison but everyone else aw'ed and clapped.

Pulling away from the kiss, Alice stared deep into Maeve's eyes. Everything had come together, slowly but also rather quickly.

The wedding was everything they had dreamed of too.

Sean walked Maeve down the aisle.

Allison was the flower girl.

Jean and Otis both walked with Alice.

And now they were finally married. After a long time apart, their love never died.

Now being married, there love would just continue to blossom and even though the journey to get here was long and bumpy, it was worth it because they were now happy.

And it would remain that way for many years to come.

A/N: This was a rather boring and abrupt ending and I apologise for that but I honestly lost all ideas for this story and I didn't know where I was going with it. I didn't want to keep dragging it on so I thought I would just end it instead of either leaving this unfinished or dragging it on and on. I apologise so much but thank you to everyone that has stuck around and read and voted.

Thank you again and I would also like to apologise again.

Marrying The Mean Girl - Sequel To FFTMG (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now