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Alice's POV

I was sat on the sofa, Maeve and Emma sat in front of me giving me annoyed glares. Charley and Diana were either side of me. Allison was sat on the floor between us, playing with some race cars.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't even know if I should speak.

"Explain yourself." Emma spoke, breaking the silence.

"What's there to explain? I didn't know you two were related. All I knew was that I couldn't be hung up on Maeve forever....I felt some sort of connection with you..."

Maeve huffed and leaned backwards. I looked away, feeling ashamed...I shouldn't though. She left me. I was allowed to move on. I was allowed to like someone else.

"I wonder why..." Diana mumbled.

"You forgot about our date today too, didn't you?"

I closed my eyes, wanting to disapear. I did in fact, forget our date..But can you blame me? A lot happend.

Allison looked up at her Aunt Emma, giving her a disgusted look. "You were gonna go on a date?" She pointed to me. "With her?"

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

"Yes, darling."

"Well that's gross." Allison said as she stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "My Mummy and my other Mummy, Alice, are meant to be together. Don't get in the way please? I want my Mummy to be happy and she's only happy around Alice."

"Aww." Charley said quietly. "That child is gonna make me melt."

"Please go melt quietly."

I tried not to laugh, I turned to look at Charley and she had the most shocked look on her face.

"I-I-I." Charley stuttered.

"T-T-Today junior." Allison snapped.

I couldn't contain it anymore, I was in hysterics. This child was full of so much sass and cheek. I loved it.

Maeve groaned and quickly apologised to Charley who just sat there stunned.

"Anyway. Can we go to the park?" Allison asked looking between Maeve and I. "Alone." She glared at Emma.

Emma stood up and held her hands up before she walked away and out of Maeve's home, not before she looked back at me and gave me a small smile that I returned.

Diana and Charley soon followed behind, leaving just Maeve, Allison and I.

"So, can we go to the park?" Allison asked excitedly, looking at me.

"It's up to your Mum."

Allison crossed her arms and gave me a 'really' look. "You're my Mummy too. I'm asking you."

I looked up at Maeve who shrugged her shoulders. I looked back down at the mini version of Maeve and smiled. "Sure, let's go to the park."

- - -

Allison was adament on going to the park right away so I had to borrow more of Maeve's clothes as mine were being washed.

The weather was nice and everything seemed right in the world.

Allison walked between Maeve and I, holding both of our hands. We would swing her on the odd occasion, which she absolutely loved, letting out small squeals.

I looked ar Maeve and she wore the same huge smile I did. This felt perfect, it felt right. It felt like this is what Maeve and I should've started together.

We swung Allison again and when she let out such a loud squeal, that I couldn't help but laugh.

"She's so adorable."

"Tell me about it." Maeve laughed.

Suddenly, as we swung her again, instead of a squeal, she let out a terrified scream. Maeve quickly knelt down to hold her, making sure she was okay but when I looked straight ahead...I saw something I didn't think I would see and it brought back memories.

Hailee staggered towards me, clutching her stomach as blood seeped through her fingers.

I ran towards her, quickly wrapping my arms around her before she fell. I layed her down gently and placed my hands over her wound.

I know I hated her,I knew she should die but I was going to practically murder her. I know I said I would, but I was just angry. So angry because she fucked my life up.

"Stay with me Hailee. Keep your eyes opened." I said determinedly as her eyes began to slowly close and then open again.

"I-I'm sorry." She said weakly. "For everything...I just wanted someone to love me."

"Someone will, okay? Just keep your eyes open. Keep talking to me. Someone help!"

Hailee laughed weakly before her eyes shut.

"Hailee?" I shook her, no response. I checked her pulse and felt a very weak one.

She needed help and she needed it fast.

A/N: Sorry for the rushed part. I got distracted the middle of writing it and lost my train of thought...Hmmm...Anyways, hopefully the next part will be better!

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Marrying The Mean Girl - Sequel To FFTMG (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now