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Alice's POV

I gently layed Allison in her bed and pulled the unicorn blanket over her small body. All the while, she had a huge smile on her face.

I sat on the bed next to where her legs were and she held her small hand out. I gently held it and she sighed happily.

"My mummy was right."

"About what?"

"You're really pretty."

I smiled and rubbed her hand with my thumb gently. "Your Mummy is really pretty too. You're also pretty. You're like a mini version of her."

"Really?" Allison beamed. "I really wanna look like Mummy. She's the most beautiful person. She has a good heart too...But she's been sad for as long as I can remember but she pretends to be happy for me. I wish she would realise that just because I four, I not stupid."

I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head at the child. She was absolutely right, even though she was four, she was really smart and wise for her age.

"Why has your Mummy been sad?"

"Hey, this is my story time. Not yours. I'll tell you tomorrow."

I tried not to laugh at her sass, she definetly was a mini Maeve. I sighed and shuffled slightly on the bed, making myself comfortable.

"The reason, I smell like your Uncle Sean is because I own a place where grown ups can have a good time."

"Tha cluuuuub." Allison threw her arms up in the air.

"Yeah, exactly. My sister, threw some beer on me."

"Well, that wasn't nice."

"Nope." I shook my head. "I almost fell over because the floor was slippy but your Mummy caught me and this is how I ended up here."

"Now that's a lie. You two were fighting. Grown ups always fight."

I scratched the back of my neck and sighed. "Yeah. I said something really mean to her and I wanted to say sorry because I didn't mean what I said."

"I know." Allison smiled sitting up. "You love my Mummy. My Mummy loves you too. She's not mad at you, y'know. She's just sad because she loves you and you said something mean. She'll be alright. If you wanna make her happy again then buy her some chocolate. She loves chocolate."

"I think I'll do just that."

I glanced to the clock on her bedroom wall and my eyes widened. It was nearly half past twelve. This little tinker should be asleep.

"It's time for me to sleep isn't it?" She asked sadly.

"Yes, darlin'. If you be a good girl for your Mummy and go to sleep, I'll get you some chocolate too."

Allison layed back down and yawned. "Will you have a sleep over?"

"It's a little late to ask your Mummy. Maybe some other time." I stood up but Allison grabbed my hand.

"Please. I...I really want my Mummy to wake up with a smile on her face. A real one...I know you'll do that."

She stared at me with those big brown eyes and I just melted. I nodded my head and knelt down, kissing her hand gently. "I'll be here when you wake up, okay?"

"Yay." She cheered quietly, getting cut off by a yawn.

"Goodnight, Allison."

"Night Alice."

I walked out of the room and quietly closed the door behind me. When I turned around, Maeve wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Did she get off to sleep okay?" Maeve asked walking out of a room, now in her pyjamas.

"Yeah." I nodded my head. "She wanted me to stay over, I hope that's okay."

Maeve smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah that's fine. Do you want my bed? I'll take the sofa."

"No, I'll take the sofa." I removed my tank top and my jeans and folded them neatly.

Maeve walked over to me and took the clothes from me. "I'll give them a wash in the morning. You can wear my clothes if you'd like."

"Thank you."

"It's no problem." Maeve replied as she walked over to a pile of clean clothes on the counter. She pulled out another pair of pyjamas and handed them to me.

I turned around and removed my bra before quickly slipping into her pyjamas.

"You want me to wash that too?" She asked once I turned back around, gesturing to the black lace bra.

"If you don't mind." I replied shyly.

She held her hand out and handed the bra over before collapsing onto the sofa.

"Hey, come on. You're my guest. Get into my bed."

Maeve grabbed my arms and tried to pull me up but I tensed myself up, making it impossible for her to move me.

"Come on Alice." She groaned.

"Nope. Get to bed." I smirked.

Maeve tried to pull me up again but she lost her balance and ending up falliny on top of me. We both groaned slightly in pain. Maeve moved slightly so she could look me in the eyes, but her dirty blonde hair covered her eyes.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. You?" I replied as I gently moved her hair out of the way.

I stared into her eyes and my heart began to pound. Maeve slowly nodded her head. "Y-Yeah."

My hand slide across to her cheek, my thumb gently grazed over her bottom lip. She glanced down before looking back into my eyes.

She leaned in but before she could kiss me, I moved my head to the side.

"I think it's time for bed."

"Y-Yeah.." Maeve stuttered as she stood up. "Goodnight Alice."

"Goodnight Maeve."

I'll admit, I wanted to kiss her. I wanted her so bad but she hurt me a lot. I couldn't just forget the ten years of hurt and misery...But at the end of the day...

I still loved her.

Marrying The Mean Girl - Sequel To FFTMG (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now