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Alice's POV

The Next Morning

I just layed in bed, staring at the ceiling as my music played quietly in the background. I just wanted to think, think about anything but the past. I had to focus on the present, focus on the future.

I felt Emma stir from beside me and then I felt her move to her head rested on my chest, her hand pressed over my scar from where I got stabbed.

"You gonna tell me about Hailee?" She asked quietly.

So much for trying to forget my past. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her. "She was something like a girlfriend I suppose. She had feelings for me and I allowed her to think I felt the same. Shitty, I know but I was trying so hard to ignore the feelings I had for another girl because she was taken...Hailee was a nice girl at first but when I told her the truth...She just changed into something I never thought she could be. She got her sister to kiss me and to make it look like we were going to sleep together and that ruined the relationship I had with the girl I'm in love with...Was in love with."

"Wow...That's awful."

"Mmmhmm. She's also technically the reason I have this scar." I gently moved Emma's hand away so she could see.

"I wondered what happend when I saw it the first time."

"I had took the girl out on a date. Everything was going fine. I went outside and I heard crying. I walked down an ally and saw Hailee being held up against the wall by my girlfriends brother. Hailee was trying to ruin our date...But her brother stopped her. I thought he was gonna hit her, I stopped him...Turns out he was gonna stab her and...I got stabbed."


"Yeah. I died. They brought me back though."

"Did you see anything? When you died?"

I shook my head. "It's all a blur. It was just so quick...Hailee has also done some other fucked up shit."

"Like what?"

"She put a brick through my window. Tried to get me to sleep with her by drugging my drink. Thankfully, Charley caught her. The most fucked up thing she did though...She told my brother, Otis, that she was pregnant. We all knew that was a lie because he was practically with his girlfriend all the time...When he denied it all and nobody believed her, she accused him of rape."

Emma sat up quickly, shock written on her face, I sat up and propped myself up on my elbows just nodding at her.

"She's seriously messed up in the head."

"Yep. Charley went mental and Charley is the reason Hailee has been gone for two, three years now. I don't know why she's back. I don't care, as long as she stays away from me...And stays away from you."

"Why does it matter if she comes near me?" Emma asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"Because for the first time in ten years, I feel like I have some sort of connection with you...I can see myself doing more than just fucking."

A small smile creeped on to her face and she straddled me, pushing my shoulders down gently. She flipped her hair to one side as she kissed my lips gently, trailing her lips across my jaw down to my neck.

"I feel the same. I really wanna get to know you." She said in my ear.

I smiled and kissed her cheek, I placed my hand on her back and held her steady as I sat up.

I grabbed her hands and locked our fingers together. "I have to go work in the cafe and the club today...But how's about tomorrow...We go on a date?"

Marrying The Mean Girl - Sequel To FFTMG (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now