Twenty Five

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Nobody's POV

Sean made himself comfortable on the sofa, whilst Charley took Allison to play in her room. Maeve and Alice sat on the other sofa, staring at Sean as he looked down, as if he was ashamed.

"You're supposed to be dead."

"I know."

"We held a fucking funeral for you."

"I know."

"I fucking grieved for you."

"I know."

"All this time you were alive? You were breathing? What, did you fake your own death so you could go on benders without worrying about me?"

Sean sighed and moved forward on the sofa, he began to cry as he held his head in his hands. "I had to do it. I didn't want to but I had no choice."

"Of course, you had a choice Sean. You clearly chose the drugs over me. Over Allison. Your family."

"IT WASN'T FOR DRUGS!" He shouted. "It was to protect you guys. Remember months ago when those guys came? They threatened to kill you and Allison. I had no choice but to fake my own death...And work with the police."

Alice ran a hand through her hair and she stood up. She began to pace the living room, trying to calm down. She was worried about the safety of her family.

"Alice, they've been arrested. That's why I'm allowed to be here. I fucked up bad with them, I owed them a lot of money and a lot of drugs because I stole some but its okay now."

"You better fucking hope that nobody comes here and tries to hurt my family because if anything happens to them, I'll kill you myself and make sure the job is actually done this time."

Sean sighed and nodded his head. "I know."

- - -

A few hours later, Allison had come of  her room and she was currently cuddling her uncle, who she had missed so much.

Maeve was in the middle of cooking dinner when she felt arms wrap around her waist and lips pressed gently on her neck.

"Are you alright?" Alice whispered.

Maeve let out a sigh and leaned her head backwards slightly, resting it against Alice. "My brother isn't really dead, he faked his own death and worked with the police...I never thought I'd see the day to be honest...It's just quite a bit to process."

Alice kissed the side of Maeve's head before she stole a piece of carrot that Maeve had chopped.

"I bet. Are you happy he's alive though?"

"Of course I am. I'm just disappointed things got that far for him."

Alice nodded her head in understanding. She studied Maeve, like really studying her, taking in all her features.

"You're staring."

"I'm sorry, you're just so beautiful..But.."

"But?" Maeve asked turning her head and raising an eyebrow as Alice casually leaned against the counter.

"I miss the pink in your hair and your nose ring." Alice shrugged casually. "It was kinda what made you stand out."

Maeve stared at Alice for a moment before turning back to the food she was cooking. "Well maybe, it's time we went shopping."

"Shopping? For what?"

Maeve rolled her eyes. "For some pink dye stupid..And maybe I might get my nose pierced again."

Alice quickly stood up straight and stared at Maeve with her mouth opened in shock. "Really?!"

"Mmhmm. I kinda miss it too, the only reason I stopped wearing the nose ring was because Allison would pull it when she was younger...I just never got round to getting it done again."


Things were starting to turn around. Sean was alive and now Maeve was going back to her iconic look...Maybe things would stay okay and fine for a change...At least, Alice hoped so.

Marrying The Mean Girl - Sequel To FFTMG (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now