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Later That Same Day

To celebrate their engagement, Eric decided that drinks would be half price and that the last hour of the club being open, all drinks would be two pounds.

As I served drinks, I just waited, hoping I would see Emma again. Diana walked over to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"Y'know what you should do?"


"Dye your hair blue like mine."

I laughed and shook my head. "Blue suits you, not me...I'll just stick to my black hair."

"Black suits you much better than being a brunette, I must say."

"I know." I grabbed a bottle of beer and handed her a pound to put in the till. "That's why I like it." I popped open the bottle and took a big drink.

"You run this place, why you gotta pay?" She asked crossing her arms.

"I'm not gonna just take from the business. Ooh look. Your girl is over there." I pointed towards a petite redhead who was dancing with the same girl she came in with almost every night.

"Taking my break now, boss." Diana said as she quickly jumped over the bar.

"You couldn't just walk around like a normal person?" I shouted.

"Since when have I, ever been normal?" She shouted back before she  turned around and continued to walk to her girl.

I shook my head as I tried to hold in a laugh. I served a few customers, feeling my heart drop lower and lower when there was no sign of Emma.

I was about to just give up hope when I saw the familiar brunette walk in. We locked eyes and her lips spread into a huge grin.

"Hello beautiful." I greeted as she walked towards the bar.

"Hey." She leaned on the bar. "Saw the poster outside, what's the special occasion?"

"See those two men?" I pointed towards Eric who was dancing with Adam and Charley.

"Uh huh."

"They just got engaged."

"Aw that's so sweet."

I nodded my head and turned around, grabbing a bottle of wine and a glass, I poured a large one for Emma.

"Oh thank you." She said as I handed her the drink.

"Not what you wanted?"

"Well I mean, what I want...I'll have to have later."

I bit my lip, trying to stop the smile that was sneaking upon my face. "And what is it, that you want?"


"Oh I see...Would you like to dance?"

She raised her eyebrows before she downed her drinked. I was impressed, I hadn't seen someone do that before, and she looked unphased...I love a girl who can handle her drink.

"Di!" I shouted as I walked out from behind the bar. "Breaks over."

"The fuck?" She shouted as she stopped kissing the redhead. "My break only just started!"

"I'll pay you double."

"And the day off tomorrow?"


Diana pecked the redhead again before she walked towards the bar. Emma grabbed my hand and she led me towards the dance floor.

"Show me your best moves." She said in my ear.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her hips. I pulled her closer, our bodies were pressed close together.

My hands travelled down to her ass and then back up to her hips. I couldn't wait to take this little red dress off of her later.

She pressed her lips against mine and I kissed her back, I entered my tongue slightly and she pulled away, raising her eyebrow.

"Getting a little steamy aren't we?"

"Shut up." I growled as I kissed her again.

"Oh hell fucking no."

I pulled away from the kiss when I heard Eric sound pissed. I looked around, trying to find what could make him really pissed.

Then I looked towards the bar.

My blood boiled. I was ready to throw punches.

"Emma, grab her!" Charley said quickly.

I felt arms hold me tightly, my breathing became faster and harder. I was so angry. Standing in my club, was the one girl I never thought I'd have to see again.

"What's going on?" Emma asked confused.

"See that girl in the black dress?" I heard Charley ask. "That's Hailee."

"Whose Hailee?"

"A bitch I'm going to fucking kill with my bare hands." I broke free from Emma's grip and ran straight over to Hailee.

"Oh..Hey Ali-"

I cut her off by punching her straight across the face. I slammed her head against the bar before I dragged her out of the club by her hair and threw her down the steps.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She yelled as she slowly stood up, clutching her face.

"Stay away from my bar. Stay away from my family. You fucking psychopath." I warned before walking back inside.

Emma, Charley, Adam and Eric were all waiting by the door as everyone else continued to enjoy themselves.

"What was that all about?" Emma asked confused.

"It's a long story..."

"I'll tell you later." I said grabbing her by the hand. "For now, let's just have fun."

More bad shit happend with Hailee. I haven't seen her in two years...Life was fine, I was fine but now I'm angry...If I see her again, I will fucking kill the sick and twisted bastard.

Marrying The Mean Girl - Sequel To FFTMG (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now