7. The Vortex

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S- wanna hang out today?

G - yeah, what ferry are you taking?

S - well I hadn't decided yet. just wanted to see if you were free

G - Mom would love to make dinner for you. How about tonight?

S - why can't we just hang out all day? lol do you have other stuff going on?

Grayson never responded to Sabine because he got sidetracked by a text from Charlotte. He started typing a reply to Sabine, erased the message, and decided to wait until he could develop a better excuse. What was his excuse exactly?

Well, he was leaving his day open to spend with the Thorpes.

Was he being sucked back into their vortex?

No, he refused to believe so. They just hadn't seen each other in three years and there was a lot of catching up to do.

C - what car do you drive?

G - I wrecked mine. Been driving my mom's car

C - !!!! must tell me that story later. Is it a big car?

G - an SUV

C - My dearest friend, I'll pay in glazed donuts and my darling attention if you'd be willing to help a gal out today?

G - your company isn't that great ;)

C - aren't glazed donuts worth it????

G - you drive a hard bargain. What do you need help with?

C - Mum has me driving all over the island to pick up supplies and such for the engagement party. I don't have enough room in my car for all of that

G - so the great 1966 Mustang convertible has its downfalls, huh?

C - if you ever make fun of my car again, you had better sleep with one eye open. Glazed donuts are waiting (impatiently) hurry up!!!

The Thorpes were not women to keep waiting. So Grayson changed into more presentable clothes, knowing Charlotte would be dressed to the nines, and tucked his phone - and consequently Sabine - away in his pocket. He located Delilah in the kitchen and asked her to inform Mom that he was going out with Charlotte for the day. Instead of a verbal response, Delilah merely raised her eyebrows questioningly and tilted her head as if she knew something that he didn't. He didn't like that look very much, but he decidedly put it out of his mind as he opened the garage door and backed out Layne's Porsche Cayenne. Across the street, he punched in the number for the Thorpe's gate and it swung open, granting him access.

Surprisingly, Charlotte had already prepared herself in a black mid-length dress with bright sunflowers on it that matched her orangey-yellow flats. She paired the outfit with a vintage Chanel purse, one that he had seen on many occasions in the past. True to the island vibe, her hair lay in loose waves down her back, tossing to and fro in the breeze. Her remarkable beauty immediately captured his attention even though she didn't wear a lot of makeup. Some things would never change about Charlotte.

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