16. Starkers; That Is, Naked

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She didn't need the pink Dior purse. But oh, she wanted it.

Her parents provided her with a budget every two weeks for shopping and general spending. Purchasing the Dior purse would put a real dent in that budget. But the soft patent leather called to her desperate soul.

Georgia reminded her that she already owned several pink purses. Indeed, some of her favorites were her pink purses. So her sister attempted to convince her that if she was going to purchase the bag, she should at least decide on a different color. But she just couldn't.

So she bought the bag.

The purpose of the outing with Georgia and one of her bridesmaid's whom she met at university was for Charlotte to notice items that Georgia wanted but didn't purchase so that she could return and buy Georgia a spectacular gift for the wedding. So far, she wasn't doing so hot of keeping track because her heart and mind resided in the pristine white Dior shopping bag which housed her new pink purse.

"Let's stop for lunch, shall we, ladies?" Kennedy asked, pointing to a restaurant up ahead on the other side of the road. Conrad's was a place the Thorpe family frequented often, so they all decided to stop to reenergize.

"I feel like I've accomplished nothing for today. I'm supposed to be finding an outfit for the bridal shower. Yet, I've purchased a pair of shoes and sunglasses."

"Both things that could be worn!" Charlotte pointed out, always a novice for shopping and fashion.

Georgia shot her a look. "They're black. I'm supposed to be wearing white."

Kennedy looped her arm through Georgia's. "Break the mold!"

"And piss off my mother? Not a chance."

"You can do whatever you want to do!" Charlotte exclaimed, rolling her eyes. Though she respected her mother as best she could, she refused to become a carbon copy of the woman who created her. The beauty of life was uniqueness.

Georgia shook her head. "It just means we'll have to do more shopping. I know you won't turn that down," Georgia joke, jabbing Charlotte in the ribs with her elbow.

Kennedy, swinging around and around with her many shopping bags on her arms, shouted into the sky, "Neither would I!"

People milling about in the shopping center and on the brick red streets lifted their heads to check out what Kennedy was screaming about. Plus, her exaggerated British accent tended to pull many eyes and ears.

Though Kennedy lived in the UK most of her life, her accent tended to surprise people because she was full blooded Indian. Born and bred from New Delhi, her wealthy family transported to the UK for business ventures. She met Georgia at university and they became besties and eventually roommates. She supported and uplifted Georgia through her binge drinking stage, and even tried to get her help without Camilla and Aaron finding out.

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