Chapter Seventeen

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- Special Update -
Thank you all so much for the love you have all been showing towards this story. I'm happy to say that Smile is now ranked #2 in the shototodorokixreader as of March 29th, 2019. I wanted to thank you guys and so I've decided to release another chapter just for all the love the story has been getting. I am so very grateful for all of you readers, please enjoy this special celebratory update, just for you. <3 

~ Y/N P.O.V ~

After taking Iida to the infirmary, I got lost trying to find our seats in the arena. I ended up running into Todoroki in the hall. Shit shit shit, turn around, turn around and just walk away. He didn't notice you at all. As I turned around I a semi-loud, "Y/N, come here." I looked over my shoulder, "Uh I should go to the rest of the class they should be waiting for...why are you here by yourself? Are you alright?" He chuckled as I walked over to him, crossing my arms.

"I wanted some time to reflect by myself, but I seem to have run into another dilemma." He said pointing at me and I rolled my eyes. "I've been meaning to find you anyways. I want to apologize for my father's behavior earlier..." He said looking into my eyes to which I looked away and he continued, "but he tells me it wasn't your first encounter with him. He has given me insight that he had put you in your place due to an attitude with him. Is this so?" I don't want to lie to him but, it's his father, but he hates his father. However, his father is a pro-hero and could possibly ruin my career with a snap of his finger. I eventually looked up at Todoroki, who was now closer to me, "Listen, nothing happened. We had a confrontation, I said something and he reacted like any respectable adult would and I learned not to fool around..."

I guess Todoroki was not the slightest bit convinced at my story as he said, "So is that why he used his quirk to hurt you? Burns like this..." he said caressing my cheek with the burn mark on it, "they don't just show up from nowhere. My father hurt you, didn't he?" I pulled away, taking a step backward, "Todoroki, it doesn't matter. I was out of place and him just...look I'm fine. He doesn't want me associating with you because of my relations with All Might. If you don't mind, I'll be on my way..." I went to turn around, but Todoroki grabbed my wrist to make me stay where I was.

"Y/N...I don't care about that scumbag of a father. He hurt someone that I...that I care about. If he doesn't want to be in your presence, then he can draw me away with every bit of energy he has. But he will not assault a student of my class the way he hurt you, the way he hurt my mother." Todoroki says. I questioned him about his mother to which he told me his story. His mother was scared, burned him and then thrown into a hospital to be "treated", this was all due to his fathers desire to create a hero to be the best. I looked at him placing my hand in his, "I know how you feel, I really do. At least you can still visit and talk to her. She isn't..." I hesitated while taking a shaky breath, looking at my feet now, "she isn't gone, and never coming back." He then questioned me about my words. I looked at him and gave him a small, weak, vulnerable smile, "You really want to know the story of how I killed my own mother?" He held my hands tighter giving me a sincere nod, to which I then let go. I take my deep breath and start my story...

It was a late night, we were on our way home from the movies. Mother had to stop at her office to grab some last-minute documents. I was told to wait in the lobby with the secretary and front desk manager. I was only 5 years old, but I remember every moment vividly as if it were my only memory. Although I was still young and just starting school, I had developed my quirks. I had the ability to manipulate shadow and control darkness, but I could also copy another person's quirk. When word got out about this dark, evil sounding quirk many schools, agencies, and even villains were looking into me. I could be a potential threat if not raised and trained correctly.

My mother was on her way out of the elevator when she noticed that I was nowhere to be seen. The two men who were supposed to watch me were gone as well, as in dead. I was being carried away by a strange looking man with scars, at this point I was in a panic as there were other men and women around me and the streets causing havoc. I heard my mother running towards me calling my name and screaming for him to let me go, to which I then started to punch and kick at him to put in an effort. He then stopped walking letting me down beside him, holding onto my hand tightly. In front of us stood a large man with a shining outward appearance. He challenged the villain in order to secure my safety.

While this fight was going on, I ran to my mother who kneeled to pick me up. Before I could get to her, another villain stood behind her, stabbing her through the back. This puncture pierced her through to the other side of her chest, with a scream she fell forward a bit. She was dying in front of me, I was watching her be murdered before my eyes. I ran towards her, being only a small child, I tried to hold her in my arms. She was bleeding, dying and crying in my arms as I was crying with her. The man who stabbed my mother then approached me with his blade, raised it and then was pushed back by a shadow.

I stood up from my dying mother holding my hand out towards the man, palm facing him. I had a look of pure anger, an intent of revenge in my heart and eyes. The shadows that I was emitting were engulfing his body, he was screaming in pain. The sound of bones crunching, and blood splattering were echoing through my ears. I had crushed his body with my quirk. I then turned to the others around me, and with a blood-curdling scream both of my arms out to the side. Hundreds of shadows were throwing themselves at the people who were causing destruction to the city around me. All the screams were overlapping each other with the mixed sounds of bones breaking, coughing, and cries.

I was only brought back to my normal state when I heard my mother coughing and trying to call my name from below me. I knelt beside her and hugged her, "Mommy, please don't leave me...I need you, mommy." I begged and clutched her in my arms as she was dying. Her last words...her very last words to me still echo in my ears every day, "Never use your dark quirk, unless you absolutely must. I am counting on you my darling Y/N. Don't let what happened tonight happen ever again...please. This is all I ask of you. I love you my sweet Y/N."

I only remember the moments after in short bits. I was brought to an orphanage where I spent a few short months until I was adopted by a man. This man was the hero who tried desperately to save my mother only succeeding to save me. I grew up under close watch by him and many of his colleagues, and I trained nonstop to become stronger...and I vowed to never use the quirk that got my mother killed, the reason the villains were after me. I will never use it until I come face to face with the man who caused this...All for One. 

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