Chapter Twenty

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~ No One's P.O.V ~

Y/N had broken the ice not with the fire or more ice but with her Shadow quirk, and spoke in a monotone yet angered voice, "not finished." Her outward appearance was different from when she was enclosed in the ice. Her hair was levitating in the air, her eyes were clouded over, and she had this dark aura circulating her. From her hands, at her sides, she was emitting shadows and darkness. The stadium went silent, until Midnight spoke up once again, "Since Y/N is still moving, she is able to continue the fight. You may continue!" With that Y/N smirked and made her attack.

She lunged and punched Todoroki right in his stomach, sending him flying backward about five feet. He groaned and clenched his stomach, looking up at Y/N, "What happened to you? Y/N can you hear me?" He stood his ground getting ready for an attack. Before he could make his way towards Y/N, she held out her hand palm towards him. From her hand shot dark, misshaped shadows. These dark entities circled Todoroki, holding him in his place, restraining him from moving.

Present Mic, the pro-hero also commentator announces on the loudspeaker, "What a turn of events we have! Seems like Y/N has copied someone's quirk and has now taken the upper hand in this battle! Eraserhead, got any idea whose quirk she copied to get this amount of power?" Eraserhead, also known as Shota Aizawa spoke up from next to Present Mic, "Let's not act childish now, Y/N's file states her having two quirks. This quirk is actually in the top 5 most powerful abilities if used correctly. Does she know how to control it?"

Todoroki used his quirk to send an ice attack towards Y/N, who with a swift motion of her hand broke the ice with her quirk. She had no expression, except for determination. Her moves were elegant and precise, hitting her target each attack she made. She was strong, not giving up even though her body was going past its limit. Her adrenaline was the only thing keeping her going, as her body was taking damage from Todoroki's attacks. Todoroki noticed this and then looked her up and down, noticing her bandaged side with blood stains around her wrap. "Y/N, you're injured, you need to stop this!" He called out to her, but she couldn't hear him.

With a stomp of her foot and the same monotone voice, Y/N said, "Black Ice." As she had said this and made her action, black ice that was barely visible covered the arena floor and made its way to Todoroki whose feet and legs were now covered in dark ice. Y/N walked over to him gracefully and put her hands on his face, with her own still cold and full of absolutely no emotion. From her hands on the side of his face, dark matter started to form around his head. The crowd was in shock, questioning her abilities.

From somewhere in the arena, a male stood up shouting loud for everyone to hear, but especially Y/N L/N. He stood tall and his form shifted from the scrawny old man into the strong pro-hero he was. He put his hands cupped around his mouth and with a loud booming voice he called out, "Y/N, REMEMBER WHAT YOUR MOTHER TOLD YOU! Y/N!!"  With him yelling that out, the other professional heroes around him had looked at him.

Y/N's once clouded over eyes had begun to fade into their original E/C color. She removed her hands from Todoroki's face, in horror at what she was doing. Midnight was concerned but told the two opponents, "Continue your battle, now." Y/N looked at Todoroki with a sense of despair, her body was in pain as the adrenaline had begun to wear her down and hurt her physically. She was past her limit and it was clearly showing to Todoroki and Midnight. Y/N raised her hand for an attack, and they carried on with their fight.

Todoroki used one of his attacks and a bunch of sharpened ice headed her way, again piercing her side where she was stabbed. Y/N winced in pain staggering back, she looked up at Todoroki and tried to pull off another attack. It wasn't fast enough, Todoroki pulled his final move, just like in his battle with Deku, and the attack sent Y/N flying into the arena wall. Her body slammed into the concrete wall hard and she let out a breathless gasp. As the crowd calmed down and it was visible that Y/N was out of bounds, Todoroki has been announced the winner.

Now somewhere across town, a male was observing the entire match on his small television screen. He noticed the way that Y/N fought and how brave she was. What caught his attention was the dark and evil aura that overtook her sanity and body as she continued to fight. He scratched his neck and called for a man to come to watch with him. "That's All Might's daughter, Y/N L/N. She's extremely powerful from what I've seen and heard about her." The shadow shifting man had said with a low voice.

The other boy scratched his neck and put on a smirk, "Her quirk is powerful and can be key in the taking down of All Might. He will see his daughter betraying him and if she doesn't comply, we'll just kill her in front of him, taking down two important people this damn world has love and admiration for." He touched the screen as it had a close on Y/N's face and with his shaky voice he said, "We'll meet soon, Y/N L/N." 

-- Woah! That was quite the chapter, wasn't it? While waiting for this story to update you should check out my new story Delusional which is none other than a Bakugou x Reader. Thank you for all the love and support that you have been giving this story, and I hope it'll only make my writing better to make you all happy. I have big plans, plot twists, and other angsty plot holes to give you. Happy Reading! --

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