Chapter Twenty-Eight

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 Happy Update Day
Happy update day, my lovelies! Thank you all so much for reading my story and giving wonderful feedback. I just finished writing and editing a few more chapters and I got to say, I got the best birthday gift ever today! I am proud to say that Smile is eligible for a Watty Award and it is all thanks to you guys! Here's your chapter and as my birthday gift to you all, I am posting an update tomorrow (my birthday) just for you! Happy reading~

Fair Warning, this chapter is a little suss and contains sexual content and innuendos. Read at your own risk.

~ Y/N P.O.V. ~

The day went on as per usual, except I felt a bit uneasy for some reason. Mr. Aizawa made a comment saying that our final exams were coming up shortly and that would decide our fate for summer vacation. I groaned, great another useless battle. "This time, it won't just be your classmates you'll be battling. You'll take on your teachers from UA, and we won't be going easy on you guys." Mr. Aizawa said with a smile and turned his back to the class as he left.

Jeez, I wonder who I'll be partnered up with for the final. The first thing is first; the written exam. My mind is racing as I put my things in my bag; maybe when I get home, I'll study to make sure I get a passing grade. "Oi, Y/N! We're all going over to Momo's for a class study session. Care to join us?" Kaminari shouted over to me. I smiled at him, "Thank you guys for inviting me, but I can't study in large groups or I get distracted. I appreciate the offer though!" They looked a bit offended but understood my reasoning. Besides I'm still sort of grounded after the whole "taking on the hero killer by myself" stunt I pulled the other day.

"Well there goes my plans, I was going to ask if you wanted to come over to my place and study with me. You seem to be struggling in our math unit a bit." Todoroki said with a smug look. "Well since you put it that way, I'm not sure I want to study with someone who would just take advantage of my weakened state as I stress over y=mx+b," I say dramatically with a smile and hint of sarcasm. "Come on, No one will be home for a while, so you don't have to worry about my father attacking you." He said as he took my hand. I blushed a bit and threw my bag over my shoulder and followed him as we walked to his place.

We walked into his place and to my surprise, it was peaceful and not as cold as I thought it'd be. He led me up to his room where we set down our thing and started to study. We were doing great and concentrating well until I started to get a sense of boredom in my work. I looked at him and sighed, "Did you already finish the study guide?" He nodded as he remained focused on his work. He is such a precious angel when he's all focused.

"Hey hotshot, what you working on?" I ask resting my head in my arms on the floor. I watched as he froze for a few seconds dropping his pencil; he then turned to me with the biggest blush ever seen by me. "Did you...just call me...hotshot?" He asked while stuttering every word. I giggled and nodded, "Do you not like it? Do you prefer spicy, hot stuff, snookums, tiger?" I laughed as his face grew even brighter, "Or I could just stop with the pet names." He is just the cutest, isn't he?

I lifted my head from my arms only to hear an ever so faint, "Daddy." My eyes widened a bit and I looked at him dropping my mouth in awe, "What was that...daddy?" He froze and I laughed, isn't he adorable. I got up from my seat and looked at him with a smile, "I couldn't hear you...say it louder?" I went up to him and sat next to him on the bed, and he shifted his weight away from me. I giggled, "Oh come on now, don't start acting shy just because I found out a sexy kink you have. What if I told you, I like it too...daddy?"

Suddenly I was now laying on his bed with him hovering above me his hands on either side of my face. "You know, Y/N, that turns me on; you don't want that now do you?" He said in a low husky voice which made me blush a deep red. "And who said I didn't want this side of you?" I asked while pulling his collar down and kissing him roughly. He returned the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his kiss only got rougher. As we broke the kiss I looked into his eyes, "T...Todoroki."

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