Chapter 3

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex
A/N: Sorry about the wait. I was having slight issues with the next chapter and didn't want to post this until I had that one complete. There's that and my hectic work schedule. Things should be better next week.

As the hot water washed over and the steam began to fill the bathroom, Ruby stood staring blankly at the water as it spiraled down the drain. Her muscles had loosened to the point of actually feeling relaxed. However, her mind was still on the two men who had been killed. A small voice whispered to her. It was her fault. All her fault. If she had only called them a cab. They'd still be alive. Ruby balled her hand into a fist and punched the wall beside her.

"It wasn't my fault," She said aloud.

It was clear to her that the shower wasn't helping clear her mind. Still, the warmth that surrounded her was pleasant. Standing for a few more minutes, Ruby let out a breath. There was one other thing she could try. Only, it would make her shower pointless. Shaking her head, she turned the taps off and dried off.

The ends of her hair dripped as she walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. She made her way across the hall and into her room. A cool breeze caressed her skin as she stood studying the newspaper clippings on the wall. Something must connect them to that night. But what?

Throwing on fresh clothes, she turned to her mirror behind her door. Her tight black jeans hugged her legs and her white tee clung to her stomach. At least she would look presentable for work. Which just so happened to be in six hours. She groaned when she realized how early it was. Perhaps a walk in the park would be a good time killer.

As she reached for her coat she heard a knock at the door. Funny, she wasn't expecting anyone. She waited for a moment thinking it was just one of those ding-dong-ditchers. However, when another knock broke the silence, she was sure there was someone waiting on the other end. She walked down the stairs cautiously. More knocks followed as she inched closer to the wall. Ruby reached out to the wooden bat that lay against the wall by the door. She always knew one day she would need it but never expected to use it.

"Whatever your selling," She began, "I don't want any."

"I'm not selling anything."

Whoever was behind the door was male. His deep voice lingered in the air. And for a second, Ruby thought she knew who it belonged to. She reached for the knob and waited.

"Go away," She demanded.

"Open the door, Ruby."

As she did, she saw a young man wearing old jeans and an even older leather jacket over a grey T-shirt. Everything about him was a mess right down from his caramel brown hair to his black combat boots. Slung over his shoulder was a large bag, more than likely full of dirty clothes and other things. Ruby let out a sigh as she stood staring at him.

"Is that really any way to greet your brother," He replied and took note of the bat in her hand, "Nice to see you still have the instincts."

"What do you want Kai?" Ruby barked as she tossed the bat to the wall.

"You're really not going to invite me in?" Kai asked.

"No," She replied.

"People will, not only stare but talk, you know," Kai sneered.

Rolling her eyes, Ruby stepped aside allowing her brother to come in. She slammed the door shut and walked over to her fridge. Even though it was early, she needed a drink. Kai usually came with bad news. It was something she didn't need at the moment.

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