Chapter 10

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol 

Ruby wandered through a dark hallway. A heavy metallic scent filled the air around her making her feel sick to her stomach. Still, she pressed on. There had to be a reason why she was there. There just had to be. The hallway seemed to go on for ages, that even the pictures she passed began to repeat. It was strange, yet so familiar to her. In the back of her mind, she knew why.

It was the same hallway from her childhood. And the pictures on the walls were of her family. Her aunts and uncles. Cousins and grandparents. Even her family portrait was there. She paused when she came across it again. Everyone looked so young. Her mother, her auburn hair hung over her right shoulder and dangled just above the small child she held. Next to her was her husband. He looked strong, but also tired. As if he had been working long and late hours. In front of him stood a small boy. Ruby recognized him right away as Kai. He was the only one she knew who had grinned like that. His box grin was wide and showed his white teeth minus a few in the front.

She smiled as she traced her fingers down the portrait. Gazing at the photo, the nostalgic feelings crept up on her mind, of happier times. However, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimmer of light. As she walked toward it, her nostalgic feeling was soon replaced with the feeling of fear. As she grew closer to it, she began to see its color change. The white glow turned into an orange hue that flickered like a candle. Strange. She didn't remember her family having many candles in their home. The odd one maybe. But none that shined that brightly.

She felt drawn to it. As if it called out to her.

Ruby felt her heart race as she stood in front of a partially opened door. The orange glow had disappeared the moment she had stopped. Something in her mind screamed at her to leave. That something was amiss. But she couldn't move. She felt frozen in place. Taking a breath, she opened the door to find her parents laying silently sleeping. Stepping in, Ruby made sure she stayed quiet as to not wake them. They looked so peaceful as they slept.

She stood at the foot of their bed admiring them when something caught her eye. She took her eyes off her parents for a second, and when she looked back she saw her mother's face staring right at her. Ruby felt her heart leap from her chest as she stepped back in fear.

"What have you done?" Her mother howled.

"I...I haven't done anything," Ruby replied as she took a step back.

"We should have never..."

Before her mother could say anything more, Ruby noticed a large red spot forming on her mother's stomach. Ruby's body began to twitch as she watched her mother fall to the ground lifeless. Before she could feel any sorrow, her anger took hold of her. Her body burned as every muscle in her body tensed with the fear of what she had done. It was her fault they died. There was nothing she could have done. Falling to her knees, she let out a scream.

"NO!" Ruby screamed.

Wonho rushed back into the room where he had left Ruby. He thought she was sleeping peacefully and he had only left for a moment. He watched as she twisted in the sheets crying out in pain. Her body moved in ways he had never seen a human move before. But hearing her cries for help, he felt compelled to help her in some way. But how, he wasn't sure. He wasn't even sure what had happened to make her twitch like that.

It was when her body came to a sudden halt that he rushed back to the bed. He couldn't see her pulse and her body grew cold quickly. He reached out to her. As he did she shot up quickly. Her eyes fluttered opened and revealed a crimson red iris' surrounded by nothing but darkness.

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