Chapter 25

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol 
A/N: Thank you so much for your patience while I try and finish this :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Reid stood behind the bar fetching another round of drinks for Nikky and himself. Nikky was still shaken which he didn't blame her for. And when Ruby left, Nikky was beside herself. He cursed at Ruby for leaving her friend. And deep down, he understood why as well. There was something different about Ruby, he knew it the moment he met her. It didn't change the fact that she was one of his closest friends. Letting out a breath, he placed the drinks on a large tray and wandered into the kitchen.

He wasn't the greatest chef, but he knew his way around the kitchen. Turning the stove on, he grabbed a pan, some veggies, and some chicken. Peering out the door, Ried checked on Nikky to see if she was hungry. She shrugged and he retreated back into the kitchen. Even if she picked at it, at least it would be a start.

Chopping the veggies he tossed them into the oil-filled pan. The oil sizzled at Reid tossed the veggies from side to side before letting it simmer for a little bit. He moved to the raw chicken and diced it into small pieces before throwing it in with the veggies. Again it sizzled as he moved the spatula from side to side, making sure each piece of chicken was fully cooked. When he saw no signs of raw meat, he turned the stove down and moved to the cupboard beside the stove.

The cupboard was full of every spice and every sauce. Ried made sure he kept the kitchen stocked of whatever they needed. He rummaged through until he found the teriyaki sauce. He placed it on the counter beside him and headed for the fridge. Inside, there were plastic containers with whatever was leftover from last night's meals from the staff. He smiled and shook his head. They always made their own food and left it unattended. Pulling out a container of noodles He placed it beside the sauce bottle.

He mixed everything together. The sweet aroma filled the kitchen and made its way into the dining room. He was pleased with how well it turned out and portioned it out for the two of them. When everything was finished, he walked out of the kitchen holding two large plates full of food. He smiled when he saw Nikky sitting and staring at him. Her smile was small and still warmed his heart to see.

"I didn't know how hungry you'd be," Reid said as he placed the tray on the table, "Don't force yourself, okay? If you're not hungry I'll save it for you."

Setting her plate before her, he gently placed her drink beside it and took a seat in front of her. He ate silently as she took a sip of her drink. Maybe it was wrong of him to make her a meal. As far as he knew, she had barely eaten anything since this morning. He hoped she might at least try it, that way he knew he was still a good cook.

Slowly, he watched her eat. She picked slowly at it at first and took a drink after her first bite. Reid felt his heart flutter as she sat across from him. He always wanted to do this with her and had often wondered what it would be like to do this every night. Now, Reid was never one for the sappy romance things. He was never like that with any of his past relationships. However, it was different with Nikky, he wanted to do every hopeless romantic thing with her. Romantic dinner by candlelight. Dancing in the rain. He just couldn't muster the courage to ask her.

Nikky was a beautiful woman, any man would want her. In fact, he had seen a lot of guys ask her out, and even though she went out with a few of them, she usually turned them down. Reid didn't quite understand why?

"Do you think Ruby is okay?" Nikky asked.

"I'm not really sure," Reid replied.

"She didn't seem like herself," Nikky whispered, "She looked almost scared."

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