Chapter 23

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol 

How long had it been since she was there? Since she was standing right there in his arms. Wonho let out a breath as he stared blankly at the wall. Warm water caressed his cool skin, although he couldn't feel much of it, he did when she was there. Ruby made him feel alive. He felt her touch burn his skin and her kiss ignite the fire. And now, there was nothing but the coolness of being alone.

He stepped out of the shower and stood for a moment, letting the water drip from his skin onto the white tile floor. He looked over to the large white tub that sat beside the shower and imagined Ruby sitting in it covered in bubbles. Letting out a soft breath, he wrapped his lower half in a white towel and headed back for his room.

Looking over to his bed, the image the two of them tangled in the sheets danced in view. One on top of the other. Hand's clawing at the other in desperation. Their breaths and heat had filled the room and left a lingering sensation in the room. The bed still sat in the mess they had left it when Ruby had left. Turning, Wonho headed for his closet and pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants.

He wandered through his empty apartment. For being so large, it felt smaller when she wasn't around. He crossed the floor into the living room and entered the kitchen. He stood for a moment, taking in the emptiness. He cursed. He had been so selfish, thinking that hiding everything from her was for her own good. And for only telling her a small meaningless portion. But was it meaningless?

From the moment he had seen her, wrapped in her mother's arms as she cried out to him to save the small child. Wonho had felt a strong pull toward her. He was never the type to admit to anything. But in that instant, as he knew they were connected. He cursed once again at his arrogance. He should have found her sooner. He should have told her everything on the first night. Maybe then she wouldn't have left.

"Bull," Wonho cursed, "Of course she would have left."

She would have thought he was insane for saying it. But the way she looked when he told her, he knew she had been fed lies. Perhaps, she had known for a while. Wonho shook his head, nothing he could have said would have changed the outcome. She would have still left no matter what.

As he stood with his hands gripping the edge of the counter, the image of their confrontation flashed before him. Her eyes wide with fear, her heart raced with anxiety. The realization he had given her would have been enough to make anyone upset. And yet, he stood there wishing it were different. That she had accepted it and stayed with him.

"Dammit," Wonho shouted as he slammed his fist into the counter.

If only he hadn't said anything. Then maybe she would still be there filling his apartment with her floral scent.

In the midst of his brooding, Wonho heard sirens off in the distance. He froze and concentrated on it. It was far and headed in the direction of Ruby's. No. He shook his head, not Ruby's home, but...he closed his eyes and listened. His breathing calmed and the image of the vehicle came into view. It raced down the street. It was a few blocks from Ruby's now, and raced through every light, dodging every car that got in its way. It turned a few corners and ended up in front of a Diner. A Diner, Wonho knew Ruby frequented.

It didn't take him long to get there. Once he was there, he stood amongst the shadows. He watched as police set up their boundary with yellow tape and covered the body. Standing a few feet away was a girl with copper hair tied back in a ponytail, wearing a waitress uniform. He looked closer and noticed it was the same girl from Ruby's house. She was pressed into someone who stood slightly taller than her, wearing a partially opened shirt and jeans. His glasses hung on the center of his nose, and his eyes stayed glued to her.

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