Chapter 2

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex

"How many does it make it now?"

"Probably five or six now."

Ruby sat listening to the people around her. Something had happened that had brought everyone out and to the diner. Something that involved the police and that random car. She thought for a moment and wondered if it could have been her brother in that car. Shaking her head, she pushed the thought from her mind. It was a waste of time thinking of someone, who only got in the way of her happiness. She sighed. It had been years since she thought of him and started to wonder what he might be doing.

Just as her mind began to drift back to her past, she was interrupted by the smell of bacon and eggs. Looking down to her table a large plate with hashbrowns, eggs and bacon sat staring at her. Its warm aroma filled her senses and made her stomach growl with hunger. Sitting in front of that was a tall glass filled with coffee. Ruby smiled and looked to Nikky who moved to sit in front of her.

"Thanks, Nikky," Ruby said.

"No worries love," Nikky replied, "You looked like death. So I got the chef to whip you up something. On the house of course."

Nikky winked after she finished. One of the many perks of being friends with a waitress was free food. Not that Nikky ever gave it to her for free all the time. Ruby did pay for most of her meals. However, on days like today, when Ruby was like the walking dead, Nikky would offer her a warm meal. As Ruby ate, she wondered if it was okay for Nikky to be sitting on the job.

"Relax," Nikky said almost like she knew what Ruby was going to ask her. "Everyone is okay. I can take a few minutes to chat with my friend."

"It's really busy today," Ruby started, "I've never seen this place so full."

"Right!" Nikky replied, "It's weird, we had a line up before I even got the coffee pot on."

"Why?" Ruby asked, her curiosity growing.

"You haven't heard?" Nikky asked, her voice sounded alarmed like she was really shocked. "There was a double homicide last night."

Ruby's eyes grew wide. A double homicide. That would make it the total murders now six in the span of a few weeks. Ruby had seen the headlines in papers and magazines about them. There was no pattern and nothing linking the victims. Almost every cop in New York was looking for the culprit. And each time they turned up empty-handed. Ruby had kept a few of the headlines, thinking it might link up with something from her past. However, much like the cops, she turned up empty-handed.

"Do they know who was killed?" Ruby asked in a quiet tone.

"Apparently, it was two lawyers," Nikky stated, "They worked for some big firm, I forget the name. But apparently, they went out to celebrate a big win for their firm. And now, well you know."

Taking in Nikky's words, Ruby wondered if it could have been the two who had been at the bar last night. Shaking her head, she was sure it wasn't them. They would have gone straight home to drink more. However, something felt odd about it.

"Police have confirmed the identities of the two male victims in last night's murder. Myles Anderson, 30, and Cameron Foster 31 both suffered severe wounds in the neck..."

Ruby froze with her fork inches from her lips. Myles and Cameron. Glancing at the screen hanging in the corner of the diner, she saw them. Both were young, good-looking guys who had the world ahead of them. Looking closer to the photos, she dropped her fork and gazed widely at the images. She knew them. They had been in the bar that night. They were out celebrating something that had happened that afternoon. Ruby had kicked them out after they had stayed longer than the last call.

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