Chapter 18

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol 

"Not good enough!" Lucian shouted as he slid his arm across the table.

He spent hours trying to figure out the perfect plan to lure his next prey in. However, no matter what he thought of, it didn't seem right. He wanted everything to be perfect, especially when his next meal was as gorgeous as she was. He had thought of luring her out into an alley and attacking. But that seemed almost too barbaric. He then thought he would lure her to the pier, a beautiful view for a beautiful girl. Even that didn't feel right. He looked to the floor at his scattered notes. Was there nothing worthy enough for her?

Bringing his attention to the sketch of the girl on the wall, he let out a breath. Even his sketch didn't capture her true beauty. He had done his best to remember the fear in her eyes and the ghost-like appearance of her skin. However, if someone else were to see it, they would find it breathtakingly close to the actual person. Lucian took pride in getting every little detail right, right down to the way the light reflected off her face.

"I'll find the perfect place," He said as he crossed the floor toward the sketch, "I'll make sure to savor every last drop of you."

Passing the sketch, he made his way into his small living room. He let out a breath as he gazed at the stained and cracked walls. This place wasn't his first option as a hideout. And since that Hunter was getting somewhat closer to finding him, Lucian needed to make sure to change locations every so often. This place, however, was far from what he was used to. Slouching in the run-down chair, Lucian grabbed the bottle of rum that sat at the leg of the chair and took a long swig.

Surely there was someplace in this city worthy of her. Worthy of his kill. His patience was wearing thin. Staring blankly at the wall, Lucian let out a deep breath. He couldn't remember the last time he took his time with a victim. He had gotten so caught up with the thrill of the screams, and the taste of the blood that he had forgotten how thrilling it was going to be. How satisfying it would be to taste her blood.

His body twitched with excitement as he imagined her squirming under him. How she would beg for death. And how her eyes would fill with fear as he would drain every last drop. For a moment, as his mind wondered with the thought of gazing into her eyes as he'd watch the life drain from them, his mind quickly darted to the past. A past he hadn't truly forgotten. A night he would never forget. The monstrous eyes he had seen in the dark room of that Manor. The anger and fear they held. He let out a muffled chuckle. Those same eyes he had seen in that girl.

Lucian took another swig of his drink before tossing the bottle to the wall. He was going to make absolutely sure that she was the one. He was going to make sure he'd replicate that night. Just to be sure she was indeed the creature he was looking for. A devilish grin formed on his face as he rose from his seat.

"First," He said to himself, "I need to find out more about her."

Lucian retraced his steps back to the sidewalk where she bumped into him. He stood spinning slowly as the light rain drizzled over him. She had to have come from somewhere. But where exactly. There were too many variables. He needed to concentrate. He needed to bring himself back to that day. Closing his eyes, he let the sounds of the cars passing, the peoples murmured voices, and the sound of the rain dull into nothing.

She had turned the corner, clearly, in another world, she had bumped into him. Taking a deep breath, Lucian tried to remember how she smelt. Still, there were too many variables. Narrowing his focus to only her, Lucian began to remember her scent. A mix of flowers and citrus fruits. But there was something more to the scent. There was a hint of freshly baked pastries. As Lucian opened his eyes, he smiled widely to himself.

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