Chapter 27

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Searching the house, Reid found a first aid kit. Inside were a couple of bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, and some safety pins. Taking the kit back into Ruby's room where Kai sat, now leaning against the wall, waiting. He crouched down and began dressing Kai's smaller wounds. There wasn't much he could do for the fractured ribs, and Kai refused to go to the hospital. Letting out a breath of frustration, Reid placed a thin bandaid over a small cut on Kai's cheek.

While Reid tried to focus on the task at hand, his mind was elsewhere. It lingered on the thought of Ruby not being human. How her parents had died in a freak accident and how she must have felt as a young girl. He smiled to himself, Ruby certainly was tough. She never showed she was hurting. He felt a little careless for not realizing just how alone she must have felt.

Taping the last piece of gauze around Kai's arm, Reid turned and sat beside him. The silence had grown between them, leaving them to dwell on their thoughts and actions. Leaning his head against the wall behind him, Reid wondered what Kai planned to do next.

"You shouldn't move just yet," Reid sighed as Kai attempted to get to his feet.

"I can't let Naomi get too far," Kai whispered.

"And what are you going to do if you find her?" Reid asked, "You're in no shape to move, let alone fight. You need to rest."

"I can't..." Kai argued.

"I'm beginning to see why Ruby dislikes you so much," Reid spat, "You're too fucking stubborn for your own good. Look, I get it, you want to stop your Aunt, but what good will it do if you can't even fight back."

Reid watched as Kai lowered himself back to the floor and focused his eyes back to the wall opposite of him.

"Besides, you have no clue where she went." He continued, "A little break wouldn't kill you."

Hearing Kai's muffled chuckle brought a light smile to Reid's face. Finally, he had gotten through to him. The silence returned to them like an unwanted friend. It annoyed Reid slightly that everything had gotten so twisted without him being aware. Letting out a breath, he checked the time. 4 AM. He was a little surprised how late it had gotten. As he stared at his phone, his eyes grew wide.

"Shit," He snapped, "Shit, shit...I forgot..."

"Forgot what?" Kai asked.

"Nikky," Reid replied, "Shit, I was on my way to see her. I thought I'd check and see if Ruby was home and bring her along too...Shit."

Reid found Nikky's contact name in his phone and quickly dialed. It rang a few times before he heard the sweet sound of her voice mail.

"Hey, you've reached Nikky. Sorry, I can't come to the phone, I'm probably busy at the Diner or I just don't want to talk. You know what to do."

He didn't bother leaving a voicemail. Something in the pit of his stomach told him something was off. Nikky usually answered her phone regardless of the time. That was unless she had gotten drunk and passed out. However, as he thought back to the small dinner they shared, he remembered her barely touching her drink.

"Maybe she's sleeping?" Kai asked.

His tone was more on the sarcastic side and Reid pushed the thought aside. Nikky had experienced something very emotional, so he wouldn't put it past her if she was just sleeping. Not that it really mattered much, but Reid wanted to make sure nothing was wrong.

"Come on," Reid said as he helped Kai to his feet.

"Where?" Kai groaned as he placed his hand on the wall.

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