Chapter 20

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol 

Wonho let out a soft breath as he gazed at her. She stood before him wearing a black bra with red lace that ran halfway down the breast and matching panties. He studied every inch of her pale body, every curve, and every mark. As his eyes trailed down her torso and down to her scar, he paused and waited. He could see her heart beating erratically in her chest signaling her nervousness. She was second-guessing her decision, something he himself was doing. After all, he did just tell her they had met before surely she had more questions.

His eyes lingered on her scar longer than he wanted to. The scar was a sign of their first meeting. Their connection. Deep down, he had wished it would have gone differently. If only her family hadn't shown up and begged him to help. Then maybe she wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. He stood back for a moment as he dug deeper into his thoughts. However, if they hadn't come to him, he wouldn't be standing in front of her nearly naked.

She stood before him afraid. Afraid of what he said. Afraid of what it could mean. He knew her mind buzzed with 'What if's' and unanswered questions. Questions he knew the answers to. He wanted nothing more than to tell her the whole truth. But he feared her reaction. Finding out the person she's about to sleep with is a vampire, and in fact, the vampire who saved her when she was an infant, wasn't something anyone would be ready for. Let alone that she was slowly turning into one. He couldn't do that to her. Not now.

She was fragile like glass, one wrong move from him and she could break. He didn't want that. He didn't know what she was capable of. So he played it safe and let her move at her own pace when she was ready.

Her touch burned his skin leaving behind a prickling sensation as she caressed his chest. Tilting his head back he let out a soft groan. Wonho felt lost with her touch and wanted nothing more than to feel that again when she hesitated to continue. She was a tease. But he couldn't blame her. She was playing it as safe as she could, given that she was running on nothing but an intense desire.

Wonho had become so consumed with his lust for another person's touch that he let himself fall deeper into it. It had been centuries since someone had gently touched him. A millennium since someone had dared to love him. And the way Ruby was so gentle and passionate took him by surprise. He felt a jolt of electricity when her lips began to explore his bare skin. Wonho let out a breath when she lowered herself down to his abdomen.

Her breath was cooler than her touch, but it still burned with intense heat. He felt his body growing weaker and his need to be closer to her was consuming him. She worked her way back up to his chest, stopping just shy of his neck. Wonho could hear her heartbeat thumping loudly in the air. He could tell by the rhythm of it, she was getting lost in the moment as well. He smiled to himself. This was what he wanted. Whatever had happened during dinner, whatever was said and whatever happened after he left didn't matter. What mattered now was now.

Wonho let out a quiet moan once Ruby placed her lips on his neck. Her kiss was gentle yet rough. Her tongue licked softly along his skin leaving behind an overwhelming need for more. He wanted her. On him. Under him. It didn't matter how or what position, he just wanted her. Letting his lust get the better of him, Wonho trapped her mouth with his before she could land another kiss on his neck.

There was no passion this time. This time was much needier than before. He trailed his fingers lightly down her arms. When he heard her soft breaths, he bent quickly and scooped her up. He pressed her up against the wall and held her there for a moment. Leaving her lips, Wonho positioned himself to kiss her neck. Ruby let out hushed moans that sounded more like short breaths with each kiss.

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