Chapter 14

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol 
A/N: I'm just gonna let you all know that next week there will not be a new chapter. I have a few friends coming up for a few days, and I'll be entertaining them. I hope to get a new chapter up for the following week. 

Wonho watched as Ruby walked up to the stairs and into her home. The other girl standing in the door had her eyes glued to her. She looked worried but happy. She had offered him to come in or rather demanded that he come inside and dry off as well. But Wonho had something he had to do. Knowing that Ruby was home safe and in the care of her friend, he was more than happy to leave. As the door closed slowly in front of him, Wonho's soft smile faded into a stern look.

She was going to be harder to handle from now on if she kept shifting. Wonho contemplated telling her. However, it wasn't the right time. Not that there ever would be a 'right' time. For now, he'd leave it be as he himself needed to wrap his head around a few things first. One of which was the vampire running around the city.

As he turned to walk away, out of the corner of his eye Wonho noticed a young man in the living room window. He was scruffy looking with his hair curled from the aftermath of the rain. Even his clothes looked a little worse for ware. There was something about his caramel like hair and hazel eyes that held his attention for a moment. Then he remembered. The man standing there glaring at him was Ruby's older brother. He was a lot taller than Wonho remembered, although he hadn't seen him since the incident. He clearly didn't look pleased to see him.

Wonho continued on his walk, his mind filled with questions of what to do and how to handle everything once the truth was out. He wasn't sure if Ruby would believe him or not. How many people would believe in someone who tells them their a vampire? Or something like it. Truth was, Ruby wasn't like a normal vampire. She was different. She had taken the blood differently than other humans had. But the question was why?

He wasn't sure if it had to do with her age or not. If it was it made little sense. She would have turned then, and her parents would have killed her. Or locked her away somewhere. Maybe that's what they did? As his mind pondered those thoughts, he paused to remember their home.

It was a beautiful home, with acres and acres of forest around it. The ivory pillar held a black steel gate with the symbol of a sword and rose in the center. Wonho had always loved how it looked when the sun fell. He had kept his distance from the hunters for years, but couldn't help himself when he wandered the forest. That was when he had first met Liam, Ruby's father. And after the incident, Wonho hadn't seen them. That was until he had seen the golden embers over the horizon. When he arrived, the home was nothing more than burnt rubble.

Wonho lowered his gaze. He had thought that the kids had perished with the fire. That was until he bumped into Ruby. Granted, it took him a little while to figure it out. And once he did. Once he invited her out. He fell. Hard. Harder than he had ever before. He wanted to protect her, not only from the outside world but, from herself. He didn't know what she was capable of. And if that morning was any indication of what was to come, he was going to have his hands full.

He wandered until he made his way into the park. The people stood staring as he passed them by. He had grown accustomed to the stares and whispers. Finding a bench, Wonho sat and looked up to the grey colored sky. Surely, there was something he could do. He sat for hours, deep in thought watching as the people passed him by wondering why someone as handsome as he was, was all alone.

Alone. A word he hadn't heard in a long time. He had been alone for centuries. He didn't care if he was alone. He enjoyed the silence that came with it. Enjoyed the solitude. However, as he sat there on the bench alone. He felt uncomfortable. Like something was missing. Looking to his side, he saw an empty place. An empty place that should be filled with her. Those short hours being with Ruby had given him a need he had never felt before. And now, being away from her, he felt empty.

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