Chapter 4

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I look for it and it's in the pocket of my sweater and I lean down and grab it. "Hello?" A say with a yawn following. "Hey Y/N, do you want me to grab you a coffee before I pick you up?" It's Jimin. "Oh, no I'm ok. I actually ended up crashing at Yoongi's place last night, so I'll just get a ride from him." I wasn't about to tell him we just had sex last night. I feel an arm wrap around me from behind and Yoongi placing soft kisses down my neck. "Oh ok, I'll see you at school then."
"Y-yeah, I'll see you in a bit." I bit my lip as he nibbled at my skin. "Bye." And he hung up. "Yoongi, what are you doing."

"Just saying good morning." I turn to look at him. "But did you really have to do that while I was on the phone." I squinted my eyes at him and he just laughs. I roll my eyes and sit up, putting on his shirt. Luckily it was long enough to cover me. I open one the dresser drawers and take out some clothes. Good thing I have some here from the other times I've spent the night. "I'm gonna go shower real quick." He nods and I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower.

After I'm done, I get dressed and walked out into the living room. Yoongi is already dressed and sitting on the couch while looking at his phone. I can't help but stare at him. He's just so good looking. And now I've even seen his body and damn. I started falling for him a few years ago because of how close we are. He's always there for when I need someone, he cares about me. Like when I get sick, he's over at my place the second he finds out to take care of me, or when I have a bad day, he listens to me. He's always been my shoulder to cry on. We always go out and do stupid shit, like we did when we were kids. He makes me laugh. And he just makes me happy. And like I said, he's grown up to be a very good looking guy. But I'll have to push my feelings aside like I've been all these years.

"Ready to go?" I snap out of it when I hear his voice. He's looking up at me and I just nod. "We gotta stop at my place real quick so I can grab my bag." He stands up. "Ok." We leave and get in his car. It was silent the ride to my place. When we get there, I quickly go and grab my bag and go back to Yoongi's car. The way there, it was kind of an awkward silence until he finally broke.

"So, lets just keep this between us. I don't really want the others to know. It would be kinda weird." I look over at him. "Yeah, it would. Don't worry I won't tell anyone." He glances at me. "Good." We get there and get out the car. Next thing I know is Jungkook is running up to me and lifting me over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down you muscle bunny!" Is say laughing. "Nope!" I smack the back of his neck. "Ow!" I laugh. "Put me down or I'll do it again." He sets my down. "Ha!" He pouts defeated and I pinch his cheek. "Can you not?" He glares at me. "I can't help it. You're as cute as bunny." I say teasingly and he just glares at me. I laugh and walk away towards the rest of our group. I see Jimin.

"Hey chim!" I hug him from behind. He turns around and smiles. "Hey Y/N."
"Since you didn't pick me up, you can still drop me off today." I say with puppy eyes. "Ok ok, I'll take you home." I smile. The bell rang and we went to class.

It's lunch and as usual, we all sit together. Yoongi sits next to me and I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. As we're talking and eating, I feel a hand on my left thigh. I look down to see Yoongi's hand resting there. I glance at him, but he's just talking as if he's not doing anything. He gives it a gentle squeeze and I slightly move. How is no one else noticing this? His hand slightly moves up and stops. Oh no, he is not doing this here.

And just in time, the bell rings to back to class. I sigh in relief and get up. As I'm walking to class, I can't help but think about his hand on my thigh. Was he really gonna try something in front of them. But thinking about it kinda made me a little wet, curious as to what he was gonna do.

The day ends and as usual, I meet up with Jimin to take me home. "So, you stayed at Yoongi's last night." He said while driving? "Yeah. I ended up getting really tired and just stayed there." I turned to look at him and I saw a pained look in his eyes. "What?"
"Nothing, I was just thinking about something." "Oh." We get there and I leave his car going into my apartment.

I kill some time studying since midterms are coming. While I'm studying I hear the door unlock and open. I looked up from my desk confused and get up and walk out of my room. It's Yoongi. I completely forgot. We have keys to each other's apartments. I look at him and he's a bunch of stuff in his hands. "Oh I came to drop off all your gifts from last night since the we're still at my place." I walk over to him and take a few since his hands were really full. "Oh, thanks. You can just set them in my room." He nods and follows me to my room. We set them on my bed.

"I'll just go through these later." I turn to him. "Did you want something to eat or some tea or something?" He shakes his head. "No, I actually gotta go. I have work." I nod. Then he grabs my chin and pulls me into a kiss. It takes me by surprise but I kiss back anyway. When he pulls away, I look at him a little surprised. He just chuckles at me. "S-sorry, I'm still not used to this." He just smiles. "It's alright. You will after a bit." He winks and leaves. My heart is racing like crazy and I know my cheeks are red right now. I put my hand on my chest and try to calm my breathing.

I go back to studying and stay there for a couple of hours. After a bit, I feel my self getting sleepy. I'm trying to force me self to stay awake, but my body is starting to shut down on me. So I just close my books and notebook and change into something comfy to go to bed. I come out of the bathroom and brushing my teeth and look at my phone. I have a text from Yoongi, so I open it.

Yoongi : Hey, maybe after school tomorrow, you should come over. We can hang out for a bit.

I sigh, already knowing what he wants. Why did I agree to do this. I'm just gonna end up hurting myself. I reply back.

Me : Sure.

I set my phone back down and lay in my bed. It doesn't go back off. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

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