Chapter 10

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It's been a week and both Jimin and Yoongi have been trying to reach me, but I've ignored any text or calls. I'm sitting at one of the stools by counter and look at my phone as it starts ringing. It's Yoongi. I'm debating if I should answer or not. Finally, I decide to answer. "Y/N?!"
"Hey Yoongi." I hear him sigh. "I've been so worried about you, why haven't you been answering my calls?" Well for one, it was kinda payback for you ignoring me. "I just needed some time alone. Didn't really wanna be bothered." It goes quiet. "Can... can we meet up, so we could talk?" I need to ask him questions. "Yes, please. I miss you Y/N."
Yeah, I miss you too. "So, maybe that coffee shop by your place?"
"Sounds good."
"Ok, I'll meet you there, maybe 9:30?"
"Ok, see you in a bit."

I hang up and sigh. I go take a quick shower and get dressed. I look in the mirror, and look at the necklace Yoongi gave me. I then look down at my worst at the bracket from Jimin. After while of looking between the two I leave.

As I get closer I can see him sitting outside at one the tables outside and my heart starts racing. I started feeling scared. I started to regret this but it's too late to turn back now. I finally get up to the table he's at and come from behind him. "H-hey." He lifts his head and stands up pulling me into a hug, but pulls away. "Sorry." I shake my head. "It's fine." He sits backs down and I sit across from him. He sets a coffee in front of me. "I got you one." I smile. "Thanks." He smiles back. It's awkward. He takes a deep a breath

"So, What did you want to talk about?" He finally asks. He's clearly just as nervous as I am. "I.. I wanna know everything." He scrunches his eyebrows. "Like, since when did you have feelings for me? Why did you ignore me, and why did you kiss another girl?" He sighs. "I realized I had feelings for you back in high school. But me being the stubborn person I am, kept denying that I did and pushed them away. But when Jimin told me about his, I got jealous. He would always talk about you and I would kinda piss me off and my feelings for you got even stronger." He stops for minuet.

"That night, I don't know what got into me. And after it happened I realized I let my feelings get in the way. Thinking you didn't feel the same, I had to come up with something. That's why I said a friends with benefits type thing. Only to find out later it was hurting you because you did feel the same and you thought I was just using you." I look down and blink away tears. "Why did you ignore me when I told you?" I look back up to see his face full of guilt.

"When you told me, I didn't know how to react. I guess in some sort of way, I was angry. Not at you, but at myself for doing that to you. And know that just hurt you even more. But I had to distance myself for a while. And I kissed another girl to try to distract myself. I didn't think you would see that." I sigh. "You don't love me anymore, do you?" I felt my heart break at that question. "I do Yoongi. I still love you, I just.." I pause. "You also love Jimin." He finishes me sentence. I see the pained look in his eyes. "Yeah." I say in a quiet voice. He looks away biting his lip. I see tears but he quickly blinks them away and he looks back at me.

"I'm sorry. Im so sorry that I hurt you. I should've just told you my feelings and not ignore you when you told me you loved me. I was a complete asshole and I get it if you choose Jimin."
"I'm not choosing anyone right now. I still need time to think." He slowly nods. After a bit of talking we decide to leave. "I'll call you later." He says. "Sure." We both stand up and stand there for a minuet. I walk up to him and stop. We both stare at each other for a second. I then kiss his cheek and step away. "Bye." And I turn around to leave. As I'm walking I decide to call Jimin. And he instantly picks up.

"Y/N!" Hearing his voice kinda made me smile. "Hey chim."
"Where have you been?"
"I needed time alone, sorry if I worried you." I hear him sigh. "Hey, I'm almost home if you want to come over?" I needed to talk to him too. "Sure. I'll be over in a few minuets."
"Ok." I hang up and keep walking.

Just as I get there, so does Jimin. We both awkwardly smile at each other. "Can, I hug you?" I smile and nod. He pulls me into a hug and it feels nice. "I missed you." I pull away and just smile. I unlock my door and we walk in. "So, where were you coming from?" I set my bag down. "Oh, uh.. I was talking to Yoongi." I turn around. "Oh." He looks down. "You've been talking to him?"
"No, just today. And I wanted to talk to you too." He looks back up and nods. We sit down. "I'm sorry for pushing you away. I needed time away from both of you. Mostly Yoongi."
"I understand. And I'm sorry for what I did. Fighting Yoongi and then arguing over you like you're some toy when you're not." I shake my head. "It's fine. I just don't want you to think I hate you and that's why I pushed you away. I don't hate you." He nods.

"Do I still maybe have a chance with you?" I take a deep breath. "I still need to think, ok?"
"Ok." We talked for a little and it was nice talking to him again. "Well, I should go. Can we hang out tomorrow?" He said and gets and I follow. "Sure." He opens the front door but turns around. "It was nice to see you again." I nod. I kiss his cheek and he smiles. "Bye Y/N."
"Bye Jimin." I close the door behind him and my heart races a little.

Both of them love me and I love both of them. And they're expecting me to choose between them. I don't know what I'm going to. Either way I end up hurting one of them if and when I choose, or both of them if I don't. And I don't want to hurt either of them. Why does this have to be so hard.

Later that night, Yoongi has called. It was nice being able to talk to him again. We caught up on a few things since I've been avoiding him for a week. I missed him. And I would be lying if I said I didn't miss his kisses. I just try to ignore that feeling while talking to him. He got me to smile and even laugh a few times. He asked to hang out tomorrow but I told him I was busy. I wasn't going to say I was going to be with Jimin so I just said I was visiting my mom. So I told maybe the next day after. He's says goodnight and hangs up.

So tomorrow I'm hanging out with Jimin and then the next day, I'm hanging out with Yoongi. I'm already nervous. I'm excited but scared at the same time. I'll just have to see how it goes with Jimin and hope nothing weird or awkward happens.

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