Chapter 16 : Yoongi ending Pt. 3

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6 years later
Me and Yoongi had gotten married a few months after he proposed to me. Not long after we got married, we found out I was pregnant. It was a bit of a surprise and unexpected but we were happy. Now here we are, married, happy and a have a 5 year old daughter. She's just like her father. I was making breakfast when I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind. "Good morning." I say. "Good morning." He says a places a soft kiss on my neck. I then feel little arms wrap around my legs. It was our daughter. "I want hugs too!" Yoongi chuckles and picks her up. "Daddy will give you hugs, mommy is making breakfast." I smile at her. "I'm making your favorite." She gets a big smile on her face. "Chocolate chip pancakes!"
"Yay!" She says happily and we both giggle at her cuteness.

I get done making breakfast and we all eat. It was Yoongi's day off so we decided to go see Jimin today. Him and Yeri just had a son and we wanted to go see him. I pick up their plates once they're finished and wash them. We all go get ready and come back downstairs. "Haeun honey, bring a jacket please. It's cold today."
"Okay mommy!" She grabs her little jacket and puts it on. We all go to the car and Yoongi drives.

We get to Jimin's and ring the door bell. He opens the door and smiles. "Hey chim." I hug him. "Hey
Y/N." Him and Yoongi do a bro hug. "Uncle Jiminie!" Haeun says happily. He picks her up and hugs her. "How's my favorite girl doing?"
"Hehe, good." He sets her down and we walk in. Yeri is sitting the couch. She gets up and hugs me. "Hey, how are you doing?" I ask. "Good. A little stressed, but good." Yoongi comes in. "Hey Yoongi." They hug.

"He's over here." She walked us over to the little rocker he was in and we was playing with the little animals that were hanging. "He's so cute. Can I hold him?" I ask. "Of course." She says. I carefully pick him up and hold him. "Hi little one." I smile at him. I look at Haeun. "You wanna see him?" She nods. I sit down and she sits right next to me. "He's so cute mommy!" She played with his little hands and he would smile. She would giggle a little bit every time he would hold onto one of her fingers.

After a bit he started getting a little fussy. "Here, let me take him. He's probably hungry." Yeri says and I hand him to her. "I'll be right back." And she walks into his room. I stand up and walk over to Yoongi and Jimin, who are in the kitchen. After a few minutes, Yeri came back. "He's asleep. He was pretty tired." Jimin puts an arm around her and kisses her cheek. "Why don't you go rest honey, you look exhausted." She shakes her head. "I'm ok." She smiles at him. Haeun runs up to Yoongi and he picks her up.

She has that look on her face, when she wants to say something, but is too scared to. "Um, mommy?" I look at her. "Yes sweetie?" She plays with her hands for second. "Well, I was wondering if I could have a little brother?" My eyes widen a little. "You want a little brother?" Woah, ok. "Mhm." She nods. I turn to look at Yoongi and so does he. He looks just as surprised as I do, but then he gives me a loving smile which also makes me smile. I look back at Haeun. "We'll see what we can do, ok sweetie?" She nods. "Ok." I look over at Jimin and Yeri who are both smiling at us.

We had stayed there the whole day. We don't see them often so it was nice to be able to spend some time with them. Once it was late, we said our goodbyes and headed home. Haeun slept the whole way. Yoongi carried her to bed when we had got home. He came in our room after putting her to bed and came to lay with me. I lay head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

"So, about what Haeun said," He starts saying and I look up at him , "if it's ok with you, I wouldn't mind having another baby." He smiles. "You want another baby?" I asked a little surprised. "Of course I do. I've actually been thinking about it for a while now and then she said that today." I've been thinking about it too, but I didn't say anything not sure if he wanted another baby. I smile at him and nod. "So is that a yes." He asks with a smile. "Yes." He kisses me and we go to sleep.

A couple of months go by, and we've been trying for another baby. I've noticed my period is late and I've been feeling sick these last few days. I was getting changed when I felt the urge to throw up. I quickly run into our bathroom and start throwing up. I hear Yoongi running to me. I feel my hair being pulled back and he starts rubbing my back. I flush the toilet after I'm done and sit down and lean against the counter. He kneels down to my level, and holds my face. "Are you ok? You've been like this for a few days." I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." I give a reassuring smile.

After he leaves to take Haeun to school and work, I decided to go to the store. I needed to buy a few things, including a pregnancy test. Once I get everything I head back home. I get home and immediately run upstairs to take the test. I take and wait. It says it take about 5 minuets. I anxiously wait as the time goes by. After the 5 minutes goes by and I grab it off the counter. I see the two lines and tears fill my eyes and big smile spreads across my face. I'm pregnant.

A few tears roll down my cheeks. I was so happy. After a bit I had to pick up Haeun from school. I help her with her homework and then she goes and plays with her dolls as I start dinner. Yoongi gets home and comes over to give me a kiss. I turn around and hug him. I pull away enough to kiss him. I can't help but smile when I look at him, and also because I can't wait to see his reaction. "What?" He asks with a little smirk. "I just missed you." He chuckles at me. "I missed you too." He kisses me again. "Dinner will be ready soon. Go change."

He walks up to our room and I finish up dinner. I yell for them to come down. I set everything on the table and Haeun came down first. She sits down and starts eating. As I turn around to get something, Yoongi is standing right behind me. He has the most surprised look on his face. So he saw it. I left the test on the counter knowing he would see it. "Are you really.." He stopped starting to tear up. I nod also tearing up. He brings me into a big hug. "I love you so much."
"I love you honey."
"Mommy, what's wrong?" We pull away from the hug to see her standing by us with a worried look.

We both kneel down to her level. "Nothing is wrong sweetie." Yoongi said. "Then why are you crying?" "You know how you said you wanted a little brother?" She nods. "Well what if I told that mommy has a little baby in her tummy right now." Her face lightens up. "Really!?" I nod and smile at her. She instantly hugs me, wrapping her arms around my waist. "Yay! I'm gonna be the best big sister ever!" We both giggle and hug her. I have everything I've always wanted. Yoongi who is the love of my life and my amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, and now a new little one who's going to be here soon. I couldn't be any happier.

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