Chapter 11

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Smut warning
I was getting ready to hangout with Jimin when I heard someone knock on the door. "Coming!" I said as I walk to the door. I unlock it and open it to see a smiling Jimin standing there. I smile and let him in. "So where we going?" I ask curiously. "It's a surprise." He says with slight smirk. I pout and he chuckles at me. I grab my purse and we head out.

We were talking and laughing the whole time in the car. It felt like everything went back to normal. He then put his hand on my thigh and I felt my cheeks burn up a little. He see him and glance over at me and chuckle. "Cute." I put my hand on top of his and now he blushes a little. "Cute." I say mimicking him. We both start laughing.  After a few minuets he stops the car. I see where we and smile. He turns to me and smiles. "Lets have some fun." We both get out of the car.

We were at an amusement. We rode all the rides and played a bunch of games. It was really fun. We sit down some where. "You want some ice cream?" I nod with a smile. "Vanilla with strawberry syrup?" He says making me giggle. "Yeah." He smiles and goes and gets ice cream. He comes back and we both eat our ice cream while talking. We walked around for a little longer and the sun was starting to set. As we were walking, I saw a really cute teddy bear at one of the booths and I smile at it. Jimin notices me and walks over to the booth to play.

The guy hands him the ball. And I'm the first throw he knocks down all the bottles. "Nice throw! Which prize would you like." Jimin points to the teddy bear and the guy hands it to him. He turns around with a cute smile and hands me the teddy bear. "Thank you." I say with a smile.

It was now dark. I was holding onto Jimin's arm as we were walking. "Let's ride the Ferris wheel." I take a deep breath. "O-okay." He looks at me. "You alright?" He as concerned. "Yeah, I just, I don't really like heights." He smiles sweetly at me. "It's ok, I'll be right there." I nod and we get in line. We then get into one of the carts and sit.

It's not that bad. He was talking to me the whole time keeping me calm. We then stop at the top. I look at the park. You can see all the people and all the colorful lights and can see the city too. "It's beautiful up here." The was a slight breeze, so it was a little cold. I shivered a little bit ignored it, until I felt something warm draped over my shoulders. I turn and it's Jimin putting his sweater on me. I smile and scoot closer to snuggle up to him.

He puts an arm over my shoulder and I lay my head on his chest. He's comfy and smells nice. I look up and he already looking at me. We don't say anything. He brings his other hand up to my facing, gently holding it. His thumb runs across my bottom lip. I slightly gulp as his face gets closer. I close my eyes and I feel his plump lips on mine. His lips were gently moving against mine. Before it could go any further, I pull away a little. He rest his forehead on mine.

"Sorry." He says in a low voice and with a shy smile. "It's ok." He kept his hand on my face. The Ferris wheel started to move again and we pulled away. We get off the ride and walk to the car. We get in and he stays the car. I kiss his cheek and he smiles. He holds my hand as he drives to my apartment.

We get there and walk in. I take off his jacket and set it on the couch. I walk into the kitchen to get some water since I was thirsty. As I'm drinking my water, I feel arms wrap around my wait from behind, startling me a little. He moves my hair to the side. His nose is on my neck and I can feel his breath. "J-Jimin."
"Shhh." He places a soft kiss on my neck. I close my eyes and move my head over so he has more room. A small moan comes out when he finds a certain spot and he starts sucking on it. I know for sure that there's a hickey there.

He spins me around and picks me up, setting me on the counter. I wrap my legs around him and put my hands in his neck, bringing his lips to mine. His hands on my waist as he kisses me. He slides his tongue in my mouth. One of his hands hold one of my thighs and pulls me closer to him. I could feel hard on through his pants against me. My hand goes in his hair to deepen the kiss and pull him closer to me by his shirt.

He then pulls my shirt off and starts attacking my neck and chest. I start unbuckling his belt and take it off. He takes me off the counter and carries me. He sits in the couch and I'm now straddling him. I take off his shirt as he takes of my bra. Both of his hands massaging both of my breast as he kisses my neck.

He undress both of us. "Ride me." I obey and lower myself on him. We let out a moan as I do. I hold onto to his shoulders for support as I start moving. "Just like that baby." He says between breathy moans. He moaning against my neck and his hands slid down to my ass. He notices me getting tired so he flips us over, laying me on my back and him over me. He starts thrusting into me. Slow, but hard thrusts. His hitting my spot each time making me get close. "Ah.. Jimin." I moan his name and he speeds up. "I'm almost there baby." He grunts. "M-me too." A few more minutes and we both his our climaxes letting out loud moans.

We stay like for a minuet, breathing heavily. He lays next to me. He reaches for something. He then hands me his shirt and my underwear. I put them on and he puts on his boxers. He pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest.

"Well, that was unexpected." He chuckles. "Yeah, but I enjoyed it." I playfully hit his chest. "Perv." He chuckles again. I feel myself getting sleepy since it was pretty late. "Goodnight Y/N." I close my eyes. "Goodnight Jimin." I yawn and fall asleep.

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