Chapter 17 : Jimin ending Pt. 1

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My hand is shaking as I bring the phone up to my ear. It rings for a couple of seconds until answer. "Hello?" Ok calm down. "Yoongi, we need to talk. Could you come over?"
"Sure. Be there in a few." I hang up. I'm feeling nervous because I'm about to tell him that I'm not choosing him. A few minuets go by, and I'm pacing around still. The door unlocks and he comes in. "Hey Yoongi." He gives a small smile. He gives me a hug once he comes up to me. He pulls away and notices how hesitant I am.

"What's going on?" I start to choke on my words. I'm not able to say anything now that he's right in front of me. "Y/N?" I finally take a deep breath. "Yoongi, I.." What do I say??? Just suck it up Y/N. "I.. I'm not choosing you." I see his face change and it kinda breaks my heart a little. "What, why?" His eyes show he's sad but I also see a little anger.

"Yoongi, I love you, I do but, I waited for you for so long." He interrupts me. "And you have me now." Then I cut him off. "That's not the only reason. You did hurt me Yoongi. Ignoring me for 2 weeks, and kissing another girl. Yes, you apologized, but that doesn't mean it still didn't hurt." I see him clench his jaw and look down. "And you've been my best friend for so long now, it would be really bad if we tried to be together and something happens between us. I don't want to ruin what we have." He nods and looks back up. Just as he's about to say something, someone knocks at the door.

We both look over and they knocked again. It's late, so who could be over at this time besides Yoongi? I go and open the door. When I open it, I'm surprised to see it's Jimin. "Jimin.."
"Hey, I just wanted to come see you."
"Um I.." He looks past me and I know he sees Yoongi. His face changes to an annoyed one, but it goes away when he looks back at me. "Never mind, I guess I'll just see you later." He sounds upset, and he walks away. "Jimin wait.." But he keeps walking. I close the door and look back at Yoongi.

"It's ok Y/N. I understand why you choose him." I stare at him. I can see how his smile is forced and the pained look in his eyes. "I'm sorry Yoongi." He shakes his head. "Like I said, it's ok." He comes closer to me. "Go get him. Before he leaves." He gives a weak smile and heads out the door. I put on my shoes quickly running out. I get down the stairs and it's still pouring outside.

"Jimin!!" I yell as I try to look for him. I see him walking down the street and I start running to him. "Jimin!!" I yell again. This time he stops and turns around to face me. I run into him, wrapping my around his neck so I can hug him. "Just wait a minuet." I pull away and trying to catch my breath. "Aren't you with Yoongi." I shake me head.

"No. I was just telling him that I choose you Jimin." He blinks a few times. "You what?" I finally breath normally after a second. "I choose you Jimin, I-" I get cut off by him grabbing my face and pulling me into a kiss. It's lasts a few minuets until he pulls away. "You really chose me?" I nod and he smiles. "I love you Y/N." I peck his lips. "I love you too Jimin."

The next morning, I wake up feeling horrible. I feel like I just got hit by a truck. I look at the time, and I noticed I overslept. I groan as I weakly sit up. Yeah.. no. I'm not going to school today. I pick up my phone and call Jimin. "Hey Y/N." He says happily. "Hey Jimin." My voice is sounds croaky. "Woah, you don't sound to good. Are you ok?" I cough. "No, I'm sick. I don't think I'm gonna come to school today." He sighs. "Hang on." And the He hangs up.

I look at my phone confused and a few minutes later, I hear the front door open and close. Then Jimin is standing in my doorway and holds up a plastic bag. He comes and sits down on my bed next to me. "I brought you some stuff and I got you some oatmeal for breakfast, with blueberries in it from the cafe down the street. I also brought some medicine for you to take." He sets the stuff of the side table. "Thanks chim." I smile at him and so does he. He puts his hand on my forehead and then my cheeks. He sighs. "Yeah, you're burning up."

I turn my head away from him and cough. I look back at him and he chuckles. "This is what happens when you run out in the rain in just shorts and a t-shirt." I smile a little. "Well I had to get to you." He chuckles again. He then looks at the time. "Well I gotta go. Call me if you need anything." I smile and nod. He leans in to kiss me but I pull back. "What?" He asks confused. "You're gonna get sick if you kiss me." He shrugs and does it anyway. I shake my head and giggle. He leaves and I sigh.

I eat the oatmeal he brought for me. The warmth of it felt nice on my throat. I finished and drank some water. As I lay back down, I get a text.

Yoongi : Hey Y/N. Jimin told us you were sick. Hope you feel better soon <3

I smile at his message.

Me : Thanks Yoongi :)

I set my phone back down and get back under the covers. Within a few minuets I fall back to sleep.

When I wake up, I notice it's evening. I look at the time and it's 4:30. Woah, I pretty much slept all day, but I feel worse. My nose is now stuffy and I have a horrible migraine. I sit up and take some of the medicine Jimin had left for me and drink some water. I look at my phone and notice a missed call and a text from Jimin. It's from a few minutes ago.

Jimin : You're probably asleep, so that's probably you didn't answer my call, but I just wanted to let you know I'll be over in a bit. Love you.

Me : Yeah, lol. I just woke up. See you in a bit. Love you too.

I lay back down. My fever feels even worse, because I'm shivering like crazy and I'm under the covers. I just close my eyes. But then open them when I feel someone rubbing my arm. Jimin is looking at me with a worried look. "Did you sleep all day." I nod and he sighs. "I just took some medicine." My voice sounds worse from earlier. "I'll go make you something eat, you probably didn't all day since you slept." I nod my head. He gets up and walks out of my room.

After a bit he comes back with a hot bowl of soup for me to eat. I was really good and I ate all of it. He took my bowl when I was done and came back in my room, crawling in bed next to me. "Come here." He pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me. "Jimin, I don't want you getting sick."
"I don't care if I get sick, I just want you better." I smile and bury my face in his chest and fall back to sleep.

Not long after I got better, he had got sick. And it was my turn to take care of him.

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