Chapter 14 : Yoongi ending Pt. 1

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My hand is shaking as I dial Yoongi's number and I put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" Hearing his voice makes me even more nervous. "H-hey. Can you come over? I want t-to talk to you."
"Yeah sure. Everything ok?"
"Ok. I'll be there in a few." I hang up my phone and set it down. I'm still pacing around. Knowing he's about to be here and I'm about to tell him I want him is actually kinda scaring me. What if he's changed is mind?

I here the door unlocking and I stop moving. He open the door and walks in. My heart is pounding in my chest, my breathing is heavy, my hands are shaking and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I don't know why I'm so nervous. He notices as he comes closer to me, which does not help at all. He stops in from of me. "Are you ok?" I nod. He raises an eyebrow. "You sure? You don't look like it."
"I'm fine." I smile.

"So, What was it that you wanted to talk about?" Here we go. "Yoongi I.." I look at his face. Why can't I say it? I'm starting to choke. I can't do this. No, yes I can. Stop being a wimp. Maybe if I can't say it, then I'll just show him.

I put my hands around his neck and bring him for a kiss. At first he seems surprised but then kisses me back putting his hands on my waist. The kiss lasts a few minutes until we pull away. "What..was that for?" He said blushing a little with a shy smile. "I want you Yoongi."
"I choose you." His eyes widen a little bit.

"You do?" I nod. "Why me?" I take a deep breath. "I've loved you for years, and I don't think I'll ever stop loving you. You're who I want to be with." He smiles and kisses me. This time, a more passionate kiss. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. "I love you." He says with a small smile. "I love you too." I smile back. He stayed for a little longer and we talked and cuddled.

Before he left, I stopped him. "I'm still gonna have Jimin pick me up tomorrow morning." He tilts his head. "Why?" I sigh. "He needs to know. So I'll tell him."
"Oh, yeah. Ok." He gives a small smile. He kisses my lips one last time. "Goodnight Y/N." I smile and he closes the door. I sigh and go to bed.

The next morning, I get up and get ready and wait for Jimin to get there. Once he's there we go to school. We got there a little early. "Um, Jimin? Can we go for a walk?" He looks at me. "Ok." We get out the car and started walking. We got the back of the school where all the trees are. I feel horrible since I'm about to break his heart.

He stops and I walk a few steps ahead. I sigh. "Jimin I.." I stop myself. I can't do this. "You chose him, didn't you?" His voice small and quiet. I turn around to see a pained look on his face. "Jimin, I'm sorry." He shakes his head and gives a weak smile and I can the sadness in his eyes. "It's ok. I understand why you chose him. You loved him first. And I know it's not easy to forget your first love."

"I'm sorry. I just, I don't want to ruin what me and you have." He nods and lowers his head. I sigh walking up to him. I put a hand on his cheek making him look at me. "Hey, you'll find the right girl for you. A girl that will love you and be there for you. And a girl you can love and be there for. I'm sorry I'm not her." I see some tears in his eyes and it breaks my heart. "You're an amazing guy Jimin. You're sweet and have a kind heart. You've always put others before yourself. Any girl would be lucky to have you." He nods and wipes his tears. He then smiles. "Well as long as you're happy, I'm happy. That's all I want for you." I smile. "And it'll take some time, but I'll be able to move on. Like I said, all I want is for you to be happy. But I'll be ok." I kiss his cheek and he smiles.

After our talk we went inside. I was at my locker when I felt hands wrap around me. I smile knowing who it is. "Hey baby." I turn around and smile at him. "So, how did it go?" I sigh. "Well, he says he's gonna be ok, he just wants me to be happy. But I know it hurt him. I feel kinda bad though." He nods. We find the rest of our group and Jimin is there. He gives a smile and I smile back. Yoongi puts an arm around my waist and the others notice. "You two together now?" Hoseok asks. "Yeah." Yoongi says with a smile. I just nod, knowing I'm blushing. Why am I like this? They all smile and some them congratulate us.

"Um, excuse me?" We a hear a female voice from behind us. "Yes?" I reply as I turn around. She looks a little shy. "Um, well I'm new here and I'm not really sure where to go. I was wondering if one of you guys could help me out?" She seems nice. I smile at her. "Sure." I look over and I notice Jimin starring at her. The others notice and kinda laugh. Jungkook nudges his shoulder and he snaps out of it. "What?" "Youre starring bro." He looks at the girl. "I-I'm sorry, I kinda spaced." He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his neck.

"It's ok. I'm Yeri." She smiles sweetly. We all introduce ourselves. And again Jimin is starring. One of us clears our throats. "Oh, I'm J-Jimin." We all laugh at him. "I c-can help you around if you want." He says. "I'd really appreciate it. Thanks." She smiles and her and Jimin walk off. I smile. I have a feeling that those two are going to be close.

The rest of the day went by. Yeri sat with us at lunch. We got to know her and she's really nice and funny. Her and Jimin were getting along really well. We had all exchanged numbers and talked. She was in two of my classes so I showed her around. At the end of the day she needed a ride home since she didn't have her car yet. Jimin had offered to take her home which was really sweet of him.

I saw Yoongi by his car and went up to him, and hugged him. He took me home. Today wasn't that bad. The talk went ok with Jimin and he seemed alright. We made a new friend today and Jimin seems to like her. Me and Yoongi are together and everyone seems to just be happy. This is only the beginning, and I can't wait to see what is going to happen.

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