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The next chapter will definitely be better.

(Not proof read)

The rest of my shift was spent rather slowly, my thoughts wandering off to what Luke had said previously. Wondering if it was true.

Did Jackson truly love me like he said? I was beginning to contemplate it because of all the bruises he left on me.

Was that really what love was?

He was the one who told me that love was like our relationship, sometimes I didn't believe him though, felt like I was under his control.

But he'd always remind me that wasn't true and I'd forget about it.

My dilemma now was how I could convince Jackson into letting me go out tonight. It was highly likely that he'd come up for some excuse not to let me go.

However I had to go no matter what he said. I couldn't let the boys think that something had happened to me, they'd only question me about Jackson more when I return to work.

I dressed in something simple yet party-ish, triple checking to make sure all the markings were covered before making my way downstairs - only to be halted by Jackson.

"Where're you going?"

I knew there was no point in lying to him as to where I was going, but I couldn't tell him who I was going with. "Out for drinks with some girls from work."

He didn't look convinced but nonetheless didn't say much. I was surprised when he allowed me to go. "Sure, you can go, as long as it's not with those doctors then I don't care."

"Why do you hate them so much?"

"Why do you always defend them so much?" He had a point there, I did tend to defend them an awful lot compared to how much I did it for Jackson.

Foregoing the thought of arguing further due to fear of my freedom being stripped away again, I quickly gave Jackson a kiss and walked out before he could change his mind.

Walking into the pub we were all meeting at, I immediately spotted Calum standing at the bar, to which I decided to say hi to.

I ordered myself a shot and a fruity martini.

"Don't get too drunk. I don't wanna have to run fluids on ya," he joked.

I smiled assuring him that I wouldn't, but at the same just wanted to drink enough to forget the day. Forget Jackson, forget everything.

And that's nearly exactly what happened.
I was just about to have maybe my third or fourth drink when Luke had to practically forcibly pry it out of my hands, claiming that none of us would be up for a hospital trip.

So I allowed them to call me an Uber, bidding them farewell until tomorrow when I'd see them at work again.

I was beyond relieved when I got home and noticed Jackson's car was gone, the house completely dark as well. This must've meant the he had already left to go to the bar.

Yet when I unlocked my front door I knew something was off, but didn't think anything of it, until I heard a voice behind me.

"You lied to me."

Quickly whipping around I saw Jackson standing a few inches away from me, just in front of my face. His breath reeked of alcohol yet I couldn't complain because I was intoxicated too.

"One of my friends is a bartender and saw you with those little doctor friends," he snapped, pushing me up against the wall.

I found it really difficult to believe that it was just a coincidence he his friend worked at the exact same bar we were at. The only thing I could think of was that he was spying on me.

"Were you spying on me," I accused.

He laughed, "Oh please, that's not the issue here. It's you messing around with those doctors!" I stared back at him intently. "They're my friends!"

Apparently that wasn't the right choice of words.

"Well, let's just find out what great friends and doctors they are."

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