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Feel free to go nuts with your comments because that makes me happy reading them! :)

(Vaguely proof read)

"Incoming trauma with an eta of ten minutes. Female, mid-twenties, reports of falling down the stairs, was unconscious at the time of arrival."

Luke sighed as he stood up with Calum to prep for the incoming trauma. It was a much lighter situation than the ones they usually got for this type of call, but still anything could happen in a matter of seconds.

It had been just nearly two weeks since Amelia had suspiciously left her position at the hospital. The boys had texted her numerous times, wondering if she was okay and why she left so unexpectedly; there was never a response back.

He definitely wasn't expecting to see Amelia being wheeled in on a gurney, blood dripping down her face from an open head wound.

"Page Dr Irwin," he practically shouted to a nurse, whom had scurried off to do so. In the meantime he had a job to do and that was Amelia. "Book a head CT just in case."

Calum turned to the paramedics as his colleague and friend assessed Amelia. "What was the call for again?"

"It was a fall down the stairs but neighbors are stating they heard a woman's voice screaming. Police were called to the scene shortly after we arrived."

Calum hummed in response, taking a glance back at Amelia who had now been transferred to a bed, the team working quick to hook her up to monitors. "Do you have the workup?"

Landon, the paramedic, nodded and pulled a piece of paper out from the pocket of his uniform. "Yes, her vitals were a little lower than we liked, but was still in the normal range."

Thanking the man Calum glanced down at the paper and grimaced, not liking what was written. Apparently throughout the ambulance ride Amelia's vitals kept fluctuating up and down, which wasn't ideally good, however she was now thankfully in the hands of doctors.

"I really want to hurt that bastard that did this to her, but I'd lose my medical license," Luke spoke to Cal, pressing gauze on the open head wound. He knew that it would more than likely need stitches.

"Believe me I do too, but he isn't worth it," answered the kiwi doctor from where he was assisting nurses in getting monitors attached to Amelia.

It seemed her condition hadn't changed much in the small time frame of the ambulance ride, based on the fact that her stats were still considerably low.

"Was Doctor Irwin paged?!"

"Yes, about eight minutes ago. He was in the OR last time I heard." A different nurse interrupted the conversation, "He just started scrubbing out four minutes ago."

As quick as the conversation began it slowly ended and soon the chaos inside the small trauma room was started up again.

They had just gotten the scene to relax once more when Ashton ran in, looking clearly distressed to see Amelia laying on the bed; eyes closed and bloody. Plus with the fact that he had just come out of a surgery.

The trauma surgeon let out a deep sigh, "What happened?" A nurse, whom was filling out admitting paperwork, was the one to inform him on what the emergency call was for; not leaving a single detail out.

With that he quickly examined her for himself, finding multitudes of bruises and smaller lacerations scattered on her body, prompting him to order a full body MRI as well.

"Lets get a line of fluids prepped," he spoke from where he stood checking Amelia's pupil dilation, his voice holding clear authority.

"Yes Doctor."

With a heavy sigh Ashton glanced at the monitors once more and begin to think if he could've prevented this in a way, if only he convinced Amelia to stay for a few more days would that have caused more damage then good?

In a way he felt that he was his fault Amelia was in this condition.

But he realized that you also can't help someone who doesn't want to be help, who refuses help.


By the time the ordered tests were finished and she the open laceration one her head was cleaned and sutured up, it was just a little after two hours since Amelia was brought in, and now they were waiting on the results.

Amelia had also gained consciousness once again.

She was confused when she noticed she was in the hospital, an iv connected to her along with all sorts of monitors, until she she remembered the escapade of last night.

For the first time she had stood up to Jackson and told him no, which at the time seemed like a good idea, yet she wouldn't have done it if she knew what the aftermath would be.

He had pushed her down about eleven steps to which she must've lost blacked out because she couldn't remember anything after that.

She snapped her head over to the door once she heard it open and in walked in the one person she didn't want to face, Ashton.

He was focused on a tablet an his hand and did not take notice of her being awake.

"Ash?" She practically whispered from her hoarse voice, probably from the amount of screaming that happened with Jackson. "I'm sorry."

"Amelia, you need to tell me. Did Jackson do this to you?"

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