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High key feel as if I've let you guys down with this book.
This chapter is kinda short.

Also things are about to get somewhat crazy and there's not many chapters left to this book.

(Not proof read)

(Warning: (trigger)
There is an INTENSE mention of abuse in this chapter, specifically choking someone. Please read at your own risk!!)


Staying with Ashton wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined it to be. He was quite respectful for of my space and whatnot, which was a nice change from what I've experienced with Jackson.

I was only woken up every hour and a half to a dim, yet bright flashlight shining in my eyes. Each time he asked me if I knew what month, day, and year it was. To which I had answered correctly.

When I awoke in the morning to Ashton dressed in scrubs and practically falling asleep over a cup of coffee, I felt quite guilty about the fact the he had to take care of me overnight especially when he could've been sleeping.

However I was quickly assured that he didn't mind staying awake if it meant I'd be okay.

It seemed that he cared more than my own boyfriend, yet that could've just been the surgeon side of him too; always saving people.

A part of me was surprised when he actually dropped me back off at my car. I had assumed that he would give me some reason as to why he should observe me more.

"Look," he began, "Normally I wouldn't allow my patients to drive when they're recovering from a concussion, especially when they still have some symptoms, but I don't need you getting any more hurt by him. Please just stay safe."

With those words in mind, I thanked him with a hug and headed towards my car. Whilst waiting for my car to heat up I momentarily checked my messages, an abundance of them were from Jackson which had turned out to be mainly threatening.

And it made me realize that those few short twenty-four hours with Ashton was the safest I've ever felt, even more than my own boyfriend.


The house gave me an eery feeling as soon as I pulled into the driveway, so much so that I was prompted to just drive away. Yet I had to go in regardless of my bad feeling.

Nothing would happen, right?

if only I knew how wrong I was.

I had expected for Jackson to greet my in some sort of way yet he was nowhere to be found, so I climbed the stairs to the second floor where the main room and kitchen were located, assuming he was in there.

"Jackson," I called out but no response was heard. After a few minutes of silence I was beginning to get scared, if something had happened to Jackson..

My breath hitched in my throat as I felt a presence behind me, panicked at the fact that it could be an intruder. I was quite surprised to see Jackson; sober and not snowing any anger at all.

"I trusted you, Amelia," he spoke, cornering me into a wall and placing his hands by my neck. "And you lied to me." I felt his hands inch slightly closer.

"Jackson, I'm sorry. I apparently had a concussion. I truly am sorry" I quivered, holding back the few tears that were threatening to slip.

His fingers moved even closer.

It terrified me how absolutely calm he was being.

"I think you should leave the hospital, Amelia."

My heart sunk. I couldn't do that, I loved that place and the boys too much, maybe even more so than I did Jackson.

I shook my head, a soft whisper escaping me. "I can't."

That's when his fingers wrapped around purposely getting tighter with each minute that passed by, each minute that I didn't change my answer.

I could see things start to get blurry around me as I began to lose my airflow, constricted by Jackson.

I knew he wouldn't give in until I said those words, the ones I dreaded. So I had to do it.

"O-kay," I gasped. "I'll leave the hospital."

That's when his fingers released and I fell to the floor in a crumpling mess. Completely in a shocked state of mind as to what had just happened.

Why did I still feel as if I couldn't breathe even with his fingers off of me?

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