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Update just because!!

Also, have any of you seen/watched Vine?

(Not proof read)

After a long time of just sitting there and Ashton convincing me how important it was to at least get checked out, I reluctantly allowed him to lead me to his car. Nearly wincing every time I made a move.

I could only imagine how many more bruises were added.

"Are you comfortable?" Ashton asked as soon as we began to drive. I nodded shifting myself carefully to try and be in a better position, yet everything just ached.

I was surprised when he lead me straight to an empty bed with instructions to sit down. I noticed him fumble with his pager - presumably contacting one of the other boys or all of them.

My assumption was correct when Calum ran in shortly followed by Luke and Michael. I could tell just by one look they knew what had happened, yet I didn't allow myself to confirm it either.

Especially not if I was going back to Jackson afterwards.

I sat silently as they assessed me, talking as if I wasn't in the room; but I didn't care.

Part of me just wanted to get out of here before they could unveil more, yet the other part of me was too petrified to leave.

I felt tissues being pressed to my nose before I realized I was still bleeding, leaving me to assume that I had most likely broken my nose.

Opening my eyes I saw Calum standing in front of me, giving me a sympathetic smile as the others discussed things off to the side. I grimaced as he pulled away the tissues announcing the bleeding had thankfully stopped.

From there I was poked and prodded beyond belief. It wasn't until Ashton shined the drastically bright light in my eyes yet again, that I winced.

"Definitely ordering that head CT now."

"I want an X-ray of her ribs as well. There's some intense bruising in that general area." I heard Michael chime in.

The chilling feeling of a stethoscope being pressed against my chest was enough to take me out of my dazed and thinking mind. I looked up once more and this time saw Luke standing in front of me, pure focus written on his face.

It wasn't much longer before an orderly came to escort me to radiology via wheelchair, I insisted numerous times that I didn't need one but Ashton said otherwise.

Thankfully it didn't take long for either of the scans to happen and I was soon returned to the same exam room, where everyone had been discussing the scans.

Ashton sighed, turning to me. "Your concussion isn't significantly alarming, but I still want you to be monitored."

I grimaced, just thinking of what Jackson would say or do. "How would that happen?"

"Technically I can't admit you to a hospital room," Ashton began, "However you're more than welcome to stay with me for the night. Someone needs to watch your concussion anyways."

I hesitated for a moment wondering if Jackson would find out, and if he did what would happen.

But this time I realized my health was more important, so I agreed. Thanking Ashton probably about ten times.

And him saying it was because he cared about me ten minutes.

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