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Warning: Bad writing up ahead!!! Please let me know if this chapter makes any sense.

I don't recall if I mentioned how many chapters I planned for this to have. 🤷‍♀️

Also I'm working on something else (or at least trying to.) It will be another 5sos doctor fic.


An awkward silence ensued before Ashton decided to speak up again. "Where did you get those bruises?" Damn, he was being persistent.

But like I said I couldn't betray Jackson like that. So I spoke another lie.

"I've already explained it numerous times. Jackson has nothing to do with these!"

He still wouldn't give up. "So it was someone else?"

Thankfully Michael had chosen to step in before it got too out of hand. "Let's just focus at the problem at hand, and that's her concussion."

That must've snapped Ashton back to reality as he too shone an annoyingly bright light into my eyes. "I don't believe we need to get a head CT or MRI. But you also can't be working in this condition either, it's too stressful. You need to be in a relaxing environment."

Relaxing environment isn't what I'd use to describe living with Jackson, but I felt that I had no other choice. So I accepted to doctors excuse with a thank you before leaving the room and heading towards the locker room to get my stuff.

Only then did I remember that I had walked here today and was ineligible in taking the bus or calling a service, mainly due to the fact that Jackson was in control of my funds.

Yet I didn't have a choice and would have to walk back home, even in my disorientated state.

I was surprised when Ashton walked into the locker room and held up his car keys, clearly unaware as to what he was signifying. "Mike told me you walked here which probably isn't the best thing to do when experiencing concussion symptoms. So, do you want a ride?"

And I knew that I shouldn't of accepted his offer given the circumstances with Jackson, but I did.

The drive wasn't half bad as I expected it to be, filled with the soft sound of the radio playing and quiet comfortable talking.

"I can help you, ya know, was in a similar situation myself. It's okay to seek help," Ashton spoke as we pulled up to a red light.

A sympathetic smile formed on my lips, "I'm sorry that happened to you, Ash. You don't deserve that to happen to you."

"You don't either and I can help, we all can actually."

I wasn't sure how to answer that so I stayed quiet, exactly how the rest of the ride went. Exactly how I wanted it to go without anymore questions asked.

Without Jackson being brought up.

For some reason I felt sort of displeased when we pulled up to my house, almost as if I didn't want to leave and go inside to a different world when I was pretending in another one.

"The state of your concussion isn't bad so you don't have to worry about being woken up every hour. Just no loud noises or excessive screen-activity. Try to limit stress too."

That last one was entirely impossible with Jackson.

With a final goodbye to Ashton before I'd return the following week, I stepped out of the car and walked up to the doorstep, my dazed mind completely ignoring the already unlocked door.

It was a nice change to come home to silence. To not be screamed at for some stupid, unnecessary reason. It felt peaceful in a way.

Strangely I began to hear footsteps from upstairs, alarming me that someone had broken into the house. However it wasn't until Jackson came down the stairs that my panic began to subside slightly.

He looked almost surprised to see me, "O-oh, you're here early."

"Yeah, they released me early due to complications." I couldn't really tell him that I had a concussion, he'd probably assume I was blaming him because of it.

"Can't do anything right, can you Amelia?"

Maybe he was right.

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