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two weeks later

tyler and joshua got into their first fight. it seemed childish in joshua's eyes and that only made it worse.

-flashback to 5 hours ago-
tyler and joshua were sitting in tyler's dads office, he gets his own office when he's the superintendent of the school. it was currently lunch and tyler's dad had a meeting at the school, so therefore the boys were chilling in his office, tyler laying his legs on joshua's and he was reading a book with one hand, while his other was laced with joshua's. it was the only place they were safe.

joshua got bored looking at tyler read so he began placing little kisses on his neck. tyler giggled and lightly shoved joshua away. "stoppp i'm reading" joshua whined. "i'm bored let's kisssss" he sang. tyler shook his head laughing. "my dad could walk in any minute" joshua shrugged

"that's the fun in it" he smirked. tyler gave in and put his bookmark in his book. he jumped on joshua's lap and kissed him slowly.

"you're so pretty my love" joshua said in between kisses. tyler kissed back even harder. he loved the way joshua made him feel.

"you're pr-" he stopped himself and joshua looked confused. "everything okay?" he asked worriedly. tyler got off joshua's lap. "were you smoking?" he asked the red headed. joshua nervously gulped.

"um no i was around brendon and ashley and they smoked" he said as he scratched the back of his head.

"bullshit joshua dont lie to me! you taste like cigarettes" tyler raised his voice. joshua sighed in defeat. "okay yes i was, but what's the big deal? everyone smokes, the teachers smoke in the bathroom all the time, it's not like i am addicted or anything" he rolled his eyes at tyler. that's were tyler got angry. extremely angry.

"are you kidding me right now? joshua are you kidding, please tell me this is a joke" tyler snapped as he started pacing.

"what the fuck is your problem, tyler?" he asked annoyed. he has no clue what the big deal was. tyler looked at him and joshua could've swore you saw flame coming out of his ears.

"my problem? do you wanna know my problem?"

"yes i do actually because you're starting to piss me off" joshua snapped. tyler walked over to joshua and pulled his shirt up.

"that's my problem joshua. do you not see these? do you have no respect for yourself ? you're going to turn out just like your father" tyler said viciously as he pointed to the cigarette burns that lingered his skin. joshua immediately pulled down his shirt and stood up.

"my father? are you kidding me right now? why the hell would you say something like that? you know- you know what it's not worth it" joshua stopped himself before he said something he will regret, but tyler kept it going.

"no tell me what you were going to say, i'm sorry that i care for the people i love and want what's best for them" tyler said not even realizing what he said. joshua perked his ears up and his facial expressions soften.

"what?" tyler looked at him confused. "are you deaf? i said that-" "that you love me" tyler looked at him and started to panic.

"w-what no i didn't i said-" he said before he was cut off once again. "you said that you loved me, is that true?" joshua asked him. tyler sighed. "yes i do, very much, but that's not the point, the point is that you're being a fucking asshole" tyler snapped.

"you are the one who is yelling at for no damn reason! so what i smoke? you wear dresses and i dont say anything" joshua realized what he said and his eyes immediately started to fill with tears. he shouldn't have said that. he knew how tyler felt. he shouldn't have said that. he walked up to tyler and touched his cheek.

"tyler i'm so sorry i didn't mean it" tyler flinched away and backed up. by then chris heard all the yelling and had walked in to see what was going on.

"get out of here, please" tyler told joshua as he wiped the tears that had fallen down his cheeks. joshua went up to kiss him but he turned his head. joshua had ruined everything. he pressed his lips to his index and middle finger before bringing them to his forehead and then walked out, not looking at chris. tyler's dad walked up to his son, not bothering to ask what was wrong, but instead holding him why he cried.

-end of flashback-

"yeah mate that wasn't smart" matty said to joshua as they passed the basketball back and forth. joshua grabbed it and shot it before grabbing his water from brendon.

"yeah probably not" he grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket before lightening it. matty and brendon looked at joshua.

"uhh hi?" he said as he blew out the smoke. brendon smacked him across the head. "are you like actually dumb? you and tyler just got into a fight over this." brendon told joshua before taking the cigarette and putting it out.

"so" joshua rolled his eyes. matty looked at him confused. "mate are you okay?" joshua shrugged.

"he told me he loved me today" brendon and matty's eyes went wide.

"oh my God what did you say?" brendon asked him.

"i didn't say anything because we started arguing again." joshua said as he ran his fingers through his through his hair.

"well do you love him back?" matty added. joshua nodded.

"yes. so goddamn much. i love him with everything i have and that's why it hurts. all i do is hurt and disappointment him." joshua replied as he twiddled with his fingers. brendon gripped his shoulders and gave him a short hug.

"you know that's not true. i have english with him and all i hear is him talking about you. he absolutely adores you, joshua and ashley. he always talks about them watching musicals together. you truly make his life better. give him a couple days to cool off and then go win his love back." brendon smiled and joshua gave them both hugs.

"thank you guys, so much"

"you're welcome. now let me whoop your ass in one on one"

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