Universe Explained

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First of all this gonna be a crossover fanfic and all of the questions are gonna be answered here. So here's the basics.

What are gems?
Gems are a special kind of angels and are recently created by chuck. They can be seen by mortals by their human form. They also have gems forms which they can summon their weapons or elements. They also have mates and they can only have one mate.


Dean Winchester:
Dean is one of the elite gems and he became a gem when he first died. He is embodient of masculinity but when its castiel he melts. His gem is a green pearl and his element is nature. His also can summon up any weapons as long as he can use it or learned to use it. He's from Supernatural Universe. His gem is located at the back of his left hand.

Castiel is angel already but prometed to an gem. He is smart, reckless and knows how to make a plan. He loves Dean and will do anything to protect him. His gems is a blue pearl and his element is gravity. The same as Dean he can also summon up any weapon. He's from Supernatural Universe and his gem at the back of his right hand.

Trafalgar Law:
Law is the yougest gem to become a elite angel. He is book smart, with medical knowledge, cold and very very tsundere. His gem is Lapis Lazuli and his element is water it change by being toxic or healing. He has sword mastery and has water wings and his gem is located at his back

Law is also in human form has ope ope no mi which he can open rooms to operate or swap places or even personalities. He has a very tragic backstory. He's from One Piece Universe

Gintoki Sakata:
Gin is also one of the yougest angels to ever become elite he's also called shiroyasha by his friends by how good he fights. He is a troll, rarely taking everything serioesly, very protective of his friends and very wise for his age. His gem is white quarzt and its located at his left hand.

His also a master at making plans in very dire situations. He also mastered sword arts and his gem element is wind by how he always brings breeze or very strong winds whenever he fights. He can also summon up swords, batons and any close range weapons. He's from Gintama Universe.

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