Chapter 6

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Gintoki, Dean and Castiel goes upstairs to talk about this very bad accident. Dean and Castiel are serious about this courting because this is one of the most important things that you should know about before trying.

Gintoki Sakata do you know what you just did!? Said Dean seriously offended while passing up and down the room.

Yeah I know what I did and I deeply regreted it.Can you please explain how do I court Hime-chan then? Asked Gintoki still depressed but if Law can give him a chance he will do it right.

Well this is gonna be bit hard to explain because we only just met Law but maybe making friends with him can be good? Said Dean unsure about this and they never actually courted each other.

From what I observed from Law he seems warry of everyone around him. I don't know if its because of his past or someone hurted him too much to be in this state of mind? Said Castiel while drinking the tea.

Well Cas lets not make any assumptions first maybe he just like that right Gintoki? Asked Dean looking at Gintoki for any confimation.

Gintoki just nodded in agreement from Castiel's assumptions but at the same time wonders what this mysterious past Law has.

What we are gonna do now, wait for Law-chan or find where he is? Asked Gintoki knowing full well that Law might be in danger if he's all alone.

We can find him but he can handle himself alright. He's really moody and we can never know what's he thinking. Said Dean thinking about any solution to this problem.

How about we deal with the more pressing problem first then. I mean it might be great because we might able to find Law at the same time right? Said Castiel seriosly because they need to focus on the mission first.

They thought about this for few hours thinking about the possiblities of any demon finding Law and shatter his gem. Dean is passing back and forth trying to think what rank this particular demon might be to be able to command this army.

Castiel is silent and looks like in deep thought about something and Gintoki on the other hand looks very worried about Law loosing control over his powers or even worse the shattering of his gem.

Well that's settled then we are gonna do the mission first then find Law after. Said Dean going to comfort Gintoki about this.

Ok I guess we could do that. Said Gintoki releasing that worry away.

They got to the town using a tracker because Law is not here. Looking around and checking the biggest incindets in the recent reports of the tracker gems around the area.

Hey did you see a rank 6 or higher demon? Said Dean being restless because this thing is gonna be easy.

Yeah I did see a rank 6 demon he's with a rank 2 demon they are this direction! Said the tracker gem pointing at the west side of the city.

They go the west side looking for any signs that this demon is around but Gintoki is already feeling like he wants to find Law right now. They got signal that the rank 6 and rank 2 demons seperated ways.

Ok, we should seperate me and Castiel is gonna find this rank 6 demon and you Gintoki find Law and don't let him lose control over his gem.  Said Dean quickly with Castiel running over where the rank 6 demon is.

Found you hime-chan looks like the rank 2 demon found you huh? Said Gintoki to himself angry and ready to kill this demon.

(With Law)

Law is walking around town still thinking about that humilating experience with Gintoki. He swore that we will never be that venurable ever again but something told him that its okay but he can't believe it.

Hey there beatiful what made you come in this very filthy side of japan? Asked a very brave man clearily flirting with Law.

Its none of your business and don't call me beatiful. Said Law already pissed sending a man death glare.

Oh okay then beatiful have it your way but ring me up here's my phone number. Said the brave man walking away fast even winking at him witch make Law very disgusted.

After that slight accident Law walks away from the place knowing many more men like that and he can't use his powers here that might alert some very dangerous people to him even more.

Then walks and there's person who bumped into him and he swore to God he looks like Corazon he was suprised and he can't explain what's he feeling right now. He followed him and finally he catched up to him.

They are a rice field witch have a lot of water so that means if he's a demon he can use this.

Law you have grown my little boy!! Said Cora-san hugging him and every putting him up in the air.

Cora-san please put me down!! Said Law blushing so hard because of happiness.

But why did you let me die like that huh Law-chan!? Said Cora-san putting his hands on his hips as if scolding Law for that.

What!? I never let you die like that!? You protected me right!? Yelled Law not believing anymore what Cora-san is talking about.

Well that is right but did I ever love you immy munny moo right!! No!! Yelled Cora-san even laughing hard now.

You are not the Cora-san I know so get out of that facade you have you demon!!!! Yelled Law near crying because this unfair why must everything bad happen to him.

Right there lose control of your gem do it do it do it. Taunted the demon still in Cora-san's body.

Law is so pissed off this demon has no right to play with his feelings and Cora-san's love for him like that. His gem is very blue and every sea in the world has very tall and strong waves now.

Do it do it you are useless to Cora-san you have no right to talk to him!! Taunted the demon even more.

Don't talk to him like that!!! You don't know him!!! Yelled Law having a mental breakdown now.

You want to destroy this universe right do do it. You are a very hazard to this world. Taunted even more by the demon making funny faces.

And Law even more lose control of his powers the water going up to him forming a bubble to protect him from the flash floods that he will make.

I very sorry cora-san and I don't even want to hurt other people even now. Said Law to himself.

Hey Hime-chan I know that Cora-san loves you very deeply so don't destroy this world because of this one demon. Said Gintoki walking up to Law.

Law powers trying to stop Gintoki and there's so many sharp water all around Law's very heart and Gintoki dogded them easily.

Let me in please Hime-chan we need you okay!! Yelled Gintoki dodging another barrage of sharp water.
Cliffhanger hahahahaha this so sad need tissues now.

Don't be angry at me please 😅😅😅

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