Chapter 1

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Dean and Castiel are sitting in the couch cuddling watching the tv. Sam is gone for few days so they have alone time. Then Chuck appeared out of nowhere interrupting Dean and Castiel. They suddenly stand up and goes to there gem forms

What do you want chuck? Asked Dean angrly
If it's a mission tell us first the details before appearing out of nowhere. Said Castiel a little bit suprised by this

Its a mission there's an increase of demon attacks around the two worlds the anime world and the human world. Its rumoured to be a unknown organization all you have to do is find and exterminate this organization. Said Chuck

Ok we are gonna do it who we gonna find for this mission? Asked Castiel approving of what Chuck said

Wait! Wait! Are we just gonna agree Cas! Ask him first what's the reward. Yelled Dean

The reward is one week no one month vacation and who you gonna find is "Surgeon of Death", "Shiroyasha", a reformed demon gem and "Chainsmoker". Said Chuck thinking about this if they gonna accept or not.

Who we gonna find first then and what universe are is he from? Asked Dean thinking about the reward

You two are ordered to meet "Surgeon of Death" first and he's from One Piece universe. Said Chuck

What about others then! Said Dean a little bit angry because they don't know where this universes are.

Its gonna be in the anime world and its popular so its gonna be the sixth universe you gonna see. Said Chuck

Ok that's oddly vague but can we bring anyone on this mission from our own universe or not? Said Dean

No, you cannot bring anyone only this four and no humans are allowed because its just gonna complicate things more. Said Chuck

Ok... then. Said Dean sadly

Dean is a little bit sad because Sam can't come but knowing this gonna be long so he motioned to Castiel to sit and then both of them sat down. And even if he dosen't want to he have to do this for the universe's sake.

Why are universe not affected by this? Asked Castiel suddenly curious

Well because I am here and every demon here is governed by crowley and they just won't go to a such a weak organization. Said Chuck proudly

So you're saying the organization is still small and weak and its the perfect time to attack it. Said Castiel and Dean trying to understand the mission

Yup basically, so do you agree? Asked Chuck suddenly feeling nervous

Ok we accept for the sake of the universes and the reward for it. Said Castiel and Dean

Ok then let's begin the mission I am gonna teleport you to the tunnels leading to that fandom. Said Chuck

Chuck is happy that these two accepted not so eagerly but still is a success hope the others accept too. Chuck teleported them to the tunnels leading One Piece universe.

Ok before I forget to enter a universe you have to be in gem form and the entering is mostly falling and also only protagonist can see you and other gems. Said Chuck

Ah okay then. Said Dean and Castiel changing to their gem form

After walking straight for few minutes and encountering some weird anime universes they finally found One Piece universe. They fall into very big void then it changes it to sea and then they saw a very big sailing boat.

We should land there! Said Dean

Castiel agreed and after changing course of their falling they landed in the sailing boat and shocking the crew and the captain readying to fight.

Who are you guys!? Asked the unknown guy

We are not here to hurt you we are Dean Winchester and Castiel. And we are here to find the gem called " Surgeon of Death". Said Dean

Ok then my name is Monkey D. Luffy and I gonna be the pirate king and this my crew. And I also ate the rubber rubber fruit. Oh you're trying to find torao right and what do you want with him? Why are gems and do they poop? Why can we see you. Said Luffy

Idiot don't ask that!!!. Yelled his crew

The girl punched Luffy hard in the head and Dean and Castiel suddenly felt scared with this girl but now not's the the time for that.

Oh Trafalgar Law then right? Asked racoon

Yes and Luffy one at question at the time. Gems are what you call guardian of the the two universes the anime universe and the human universe. And why do we need Law is because he is one of those gems and we need for a mission. And lastly you can see us in gem form because you are a protagonist. Answered Castiel

Yosha! I understand now but you forgot to ask our names. Said Luffy happily because he's having new friends

Hi I am Nami I am the navigator of this crew. Said Nami nonchalantly

I'm Ronanao Zoro the swordsman and the first mate of this crew. Said Zoro seriously

Ok then I guess I am next. I'm Sanji I am the cook of this crazy strawhat crew welcome aboard. Said Sanji a little bit serious

Super! I'm Franky and also the shipwright of the Thousand Sunny. Said Franky

Ok break first this ship's name is Thousand Sunny! Said Dean a bit suprised and whispered in Castiel's ear.

Ok Dean let's continue. Whispered Castiel in Dean's ear back

Ok ok still suprised that this ship has a name. Whispered Dean back

Ok can we continue. Ok my name's Robin and I am archaologist of this crew. And I ate the hana hana mo. Said Robin

Ok my name is Chopper and I am the crew's doctor. And I ate human human fruit. Said Chopper

Wait wait a talking reindeer that's weird but considering this universe its normal. Said Dean

Yup its definetly normal! Said Chopper

I'm Jimbei and I am new here so I don't have a role yet. Said Jimbei

Hi I am Ussopp I am invertor of the straw hat crew. Said Ussopp

Lastly I am the Soul King Brook and the musician of the crew. And I ate the revive revive fruit Said Brook

Ok this is weirder than before but considering we are fighting demons I think I accept this. Said Dean

What are the devil fruits then? Asked Castiel

The devil fruits gives you weird powers and they divided into three categories one is paramecia, logia, zoan. Paramicia is what Luffy's powers and Brook powers are. Do capche? Said Nami

We get in so far and what are the other two? Asked both Dean and Castiel

Next is Logia you can become what the element you have eaten and attacks can get pass you. The examples is Sabo and Enel. Lastly there are Zoan they can change into whatever animal they eaten. Said Nami

Ok then where are landing and is Law gonna be there? Asked Dean

Yes, we are landing in few minutes in Wano Kuni and I feel like Torao is gonna be there. Said Luffy

Yosha!! Wano is here!! Shouted Luffy jumping up down happily.


End of the chapter

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