Happy Birthday Keiji Akaashi & Kentaro Kyotani // Special #8

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A/N: I'm so so sorry for my late updates.

My writing block won't




So here it is, over a week late.

Until next time, enjoy.


Happy birthday Keiji Akaashi!!

"It's getting really cold lately." (Y/N) leant his head backwards and looked up at the sky, blowing a small breath-cloud from his parted lips up against the cool December air. Akaashi nodded in agreement. There wasn't a single cloud in sight and a clear, blue sky which made the temperature even colder. The (h/c) haired boy put his hands into his pockets to keep them warm. His fingers hit the small surprise he was going to give the unaware birthday boy.

"Make sure to dress properly, (Y/N). Your voice is going to give away your cold." Keiji glanced down at the shorter boy who pouted jokingly back in response. "Hey, I don't have a cold! Maybe you're just saying that to cover for your own." He jokingly accused back. As the two of them calmly strolled down the streets towards their destination, the snow crunched loudly under their moving feet.

"Thanks, Keiji, for coming with me even though it's your birthday. I promise you won't regret it."

"Bokuto-san and the others are planning a surprise party when I'm back and begged me to leave the house. Besides you took time out of your own schedule today to invite me, so it's the least I could do." He reached up to adjust his coat-collar with a gloved hand.

'He looks a lot more happy about than he's admitting this for some reason... Oh well. I'm just glad he agreed.' Not mentioning his curiousity, (Y/N) continued to mention his chain of thoughts. "Are you good at it though? I know I kind of asked last minute, so none of us are really prepared, huh." The shorter boy touched the back of his neck in an apoloetic manner.

"I do know. My parents taught me when I was younger, but it's been a few years since last time."Akaashi replied in his casual tone. (Y/N) and Akaashi kept their small conversation active, which was unusual for the both of them, but it calmed down when they reached their destination.

Gearing up with some borrowed equipments, the two males entered the ring. "W-Woah..!" (Y/N) held onto the outer rail as he entered the ice ring. Glancing over at Akaashi, he seemed to be doing just fine as he elegantly skated over to the (h/c) haired boy. "Are you alright?" He slightly leant down to closen in on their height difference. "Yeah, it's just been a while for me." He sheepishly admitted with a small, embarrased chuckle. "I'm like Bambi, aren't I?" He joked.

"Oh, right. while we're still on steady feet." (Y/N) fished after the object he had kept secret until now. Taking it out of his pocket, he handed Akaashi a black, white and yellow scarf. The design was fairly simple and not very flashy, but it was definitely warm to wear. Perfect for the winter weather. His gunmetal blue eyes slightly widened at the present.

"Happy birthday, Keiji." the younger boy smiled softly up at the slightly older male. Returning the smile just as gently, Akaashi quietly accepted the gift and felt the fabric between his fingers.

"Is it alright if I wear it now?"

"Of course." The (country) boy nodded.

Just when the boy took the scarf around his neck, white glimted in front of his eyes. Maybe the setter was just imagining it. He adjusted the warm fabric and glanced at (Y/N), arching a brow slightly. Taking the hint, he replied with a thumbs up. "It looks good on you. Ah-..." His sentence was cut short when the white fell on his cold, red nose.

It wasn't just them who looked up at the falling snow. Children, teens, adults and elders. Men, women and everything else between. He knew he was reacting like a young child who just saw Santa Clause with snow as (Y/N) couldn't hide his smile for the Christmas-feeling atmosphere. If he had paid more attention to Akaashi than the snow, he'd realize the small blush across his cheeks and the soft smile curving his lips at the sight of the other.

Maybe Akaashi had seen right after all. There was definitely some big. white wings on (Y/N)'s back.

Happy birthday Kentaro Kyotani!!

"Sorry for the intrusion..!" (Y/N) called out to no one in particular as he removed his shoes and took off his winter jacket. "No one's here. It's just us." The delinquent looking boy grumbled. The dyed blonde had finished before the visitor and waited for the other to hang up his jacket. "Really? Alright then." Unfaced by the grumble, the (h/c) cupped his own red, cold cheeks as he followed after Kyotani into the kitchen.

Earlier that day, the two of them had bumped into each other at the supermarket and (Y/N) thought it would be a good idea to celebrate Kentaro's birthday with him, this year too.

Baking wasn't a strong point for either, so by the time they were done it would look pretty alright with an edible cake or a kitchen-looking warzone. (Y/N) hoped the last one wasn't the case. "Kyo, do you want to make from scratch or bag mix?" The shorter boy placed the bags from the supermarket down on the kitchen floor.

"Scratch. We don't make those half-assed bag mixes that tastes like trash."

"Roger that." (Y/N) took out the ingredients he thought they would need, placing the rest into its places in shelves, drawers, freezer and fridge. "Let's get started then." Kentaro quietly nodded with his usual frown. It wasn't that he was pissed all the time, only most of the time, but that was besides the point. His face just was like that, even if he wasn't being a sharp knife. (Y/N) chuckled to himself.

Feeling a glare at him, (Y/N) waved his hands a bit. "Don't mind. It's nothing." The older male didn't seem too convinsed, but let it go nonetheless. The two found a recipie and got out the equipments they needed.

Milk, egg, sugar, baking powder, some freshly bought fruit, you name it. They were all placed on the couter with a bowl and something to mix with.

"Oi, (Y/N). The flour."

"Right, I'll get it." The said boy nodded at the request, finding the missing thing. As he took it out of the drawer, an idea popped into his head. 'No, (Y/N). Be nice. It's his birthday after all. ...Bad idea, yeah. Should not be done, at all.' The internal conversation of convinsing himself to not follow through the plan didn't go very well.

Opening the bag of flour, (Y/N) took some of the white into his hand and threw it at Kentaro, who froze when the flour hit him. His expression was unreadable, but his newly 'dyed' backhead was hard not to laugh at. Grabbing the bag of flour, the older boy threw a handful of the powder into the other's face, silencing the other.



"...You really went there..."

"Bet your ass I did."

"Thought you'd be more pissed."

"I am pissed. "



"...Happy birthday."

"Yeah, thanks. Now quit laughing." He grumbled and turned his back to the other, placing the bag on the working area.

Quietly, the younger male took the bag again, reviving the war.

They didn't put the war at peace until the bag was emptied over the (h/c)'s head. Both of them were laughing and (Y/N) couldn't lie, Kentaro had the softest laugh he had ever heard.

Closing his (e/c) eyes while laughing, the boy missed the small blush the other gained from the angelic sounding ringing in his ears, also called (Y/N)'s laughter.

Kentaro admitted, he didn't really care about the cake. The time the two spent was enough for him. Some god out there had heard his prayer and hopefully they'd hear it this year too.

His only birthday wish each year after meeting (Y/N) was to spend another with him.

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