Persona 5 AU Part 4: The House of Cowardice

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The Phantom Thieves are surprised at this, particularly Makoto, who confirms with Mishima that the target he's referring to is in fact Principal Kobayakawa of Shujin. Ryuji decides to check the Metaverse Navigator and see if Kobayakawa does indeed have a Palace, or if he at least shows up in Mementos. Ryuji enters Kocha Kobayakawa into the nav, and it finds the candidate. Kobayakawa does have a palace. Makoto begins to contemplate this and understands why he'd be so popular. After all, since Kamoshida was arrested, people have been blaming him for covering it up. The team are all originally sceptical about targeting Kobayakawa, but eventually reach a unanimous decision. It's here Mishima asks the rest of the Phantom Thieves is he can join them in the Palace infiltration. Makoto and Morgana are against the idea, since they're worried for his safety, but Ryuji argues on Mishima's behalf. "He's only gonna be spectating, it's not like he's gonna get in our way or somethin'" Mishima says he only wants to see the Palace once, just so he'll feel closer to the team. Morgana and Makoto cave and agree, but they promise Mishima to not be reckless. Now all they need are the codewords. Obviously, like Kamoshida, the school is the location, but the Phantom Thieves have no idea what the distortion is. They, try things, like army bunker, or even dollhouse, but none of these work. Makoto then gets an idea. She plans to use the Phan-site ratings to scare Kobayakawa and see if she can get the codewords out of him. She won't be forceful though.

The next day at Shujin Academy, Makoto requests an audience with the Principal. Despite the fact Makoto failed her job in finding out the Phantom Thieves identities and reporting back, Kobayakawa is happy to see her. Makoto tells the principal she wanted to see him, as she has some disheartening news. She shows the Principal the Phan-site ratings on her phone, and tells him that the Phantom Thieves would likely come for him. Kobayakawa sighs. He goes on about how he understands his decreased popularity has stemmed from the "false" rumours about his knowledge of Kamoshida's abuse. "Nowadays, I feel like this school is a Haunted House..." he tells her "I can't turn a corner without feeling tense about it." Makoto's ears prick at the sound of the word Haunted House. She smiles and tells Kobayakawa that until he receives a calling card, he's safe.

Makoto tells the other Phantom Thieves what she found. They enter Haunted House into the Metaverse navigator and they get a hit. Makoto recommends it would be wise to change locations momentarily. She says she'd be able to pull some strings to allow the Phantoms to hideout on the School Roof after school is over. The school roof is where the first hideout of the game is located, so Ryuji comments how it's almost ironic. The Thieves without further ado, head into Kobayakawa's Palace...

Mishima is horrified at what he first sees in the Metaverse, as are the rest of the Phantom Thieves

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Mishima is horrified at what he first sees in the Metaverse, as are the rest of the Phantom Thieves. The school becomes a large house with broken windows, old padding, and a very creepy vibe. Yusuke comments on how this may not have been the best example of first introductions to the cognitive world, but Mishima begs to differ. He says that despite it's creepiness, it's a good example of how distorted one's heart can become. Yusuke agrees with him on that, and says they should probably go in. Ryuji, Ann, Makoto, Futaba and Hifumi are all trembling with fear, but they push on.  

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